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A teacher sees you and Charlotte roaming the corridors.
"Crap!" She whispers to you, "Run!"
"Why, what's wrong?" You say chasing after her.
"A teacher spotted us. We'll end up getting detention because we're skiving hah"
"So you're scared of detentions are you?" You ask her playfully.
"No it's just I have dance tomorrow night and I won't get home in time for dance."
"I do dance too!"
"That's so cool!" She says, "anyways back to the detention- detentions are with that Mr Jackson teacher."
"Wait. I thought he was an English teacher though?"
"Yeah English and detention" she replies.

I couldn't risk getting detention, not only with MR JACKSON! I think that would be my worst nightmare. You thought to yourself.

"Come on then let's get to class. What lesson you got?"

"English with Mr Jackson, you?" Charlotte said.

"Same!" You reply.
You check your phone for the time and you realise you have like 15 minutes left of the lesson.

You walk through the door of Mr Jackson's class.

"Nice of you to join us Charlotte and Y/N" Mr Jackson says.

"Mr Jackson" Charlotte greets him.

"Charlotte." He smirks at her, and then stops as he notices that you saw.

"Um. Why don't you both take a seat and join the rest of the class- we're watching a short clip of Shakespeare's play: Romeo and Juliet." Says Mr Jackson. He smiled at me.

"Charlotte.. why did Mr Jackson look at you like that?" You ask her.

"I'll tell you later, hun"

"Okay" you smile at her and continue to watch the video.

After the video finished it was the end of class and the bell went off.

"Right. You're dismissed. I'd like to speak to Y/N please. The rest of you can go."

"I'll see you later Charlotte"

"See you, Y/N. I'll meet you by the water fountain"

Everyone left the classroom.

"You wanted me?" You say to him. 

"Yes.. so you err.. you met Charlotte I see."

"Yeah, she showed me around when I left your class earlier."

"Nice. Have you saved my number in your phone?" He asked you.

"Uh... no not yet. I will though"

He stands up and walks in front of you. He's so close to you that his breath tickles your lips. You feel so uncomfortable being this close to him. Suddenly you feel him getting really warm. You instantly move away from him.
"I need to go." You say as you walk towards the door.
"Save my number, Y/N"
You turn around and smile.
"Oh wait that reminds me Y/N! You have detention"
"What why!?"
"For skiving lesson"
"What that isn't fair! Charlotte didn't get one."
"I know she didn't." He gave me a daring smile.

Author's note:
I don't know where I was going with this.
Thank you for reading,
-Jessica Xo <3

He Is My Teacher! - Michael Jackson FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now