Sonic Underground Reunite!

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Sonic Underground Reunited!

Sonic and a few of his friends were in Sonic's new house. Cream was exploring the house. She walked into Sonic's room. Cream spotted a shining necklace. Turns out,it was a silver medallion. The cream bunny picked it up,and walked into the living room.

"Mister Sonic,what's this pretty necklace?" she raised it in the air. Sonic looked at it and gasped. He ran to Cream. He took it out of her little hands.

"Please be careful with my medallion!" he exclaimed. Sonic's finger touched it and it transformed into a gutair. It let out a loud note.

"Oh dear Chaos."

"Oh,Sonic,you have a gutair!" Tails said.

"Uh,yeah. Ever since I was six," Sonic said,scratching the back of his head.

"Well if you have it,why don't you play us somethin'?" Scourge said.

"I'd really rather not," Sonic said.

"Do it,Faker," Shadow said.

"Ok,ok,fine." he tuned his gutair. "I haven't played in about nine years. So I might suck." he played like a pro. It was epic. He was awesome. It was SONIC UNDERGROUND.

"There's something missing

Something's not quite right

And I can feel it calling

To me every night..." Sonic sang. His voice was just like it was when he was younger,just a bit deeper. "Guys,can you hear me? I know it's been long! If only you'd hear me! We'd sit down and talk!"

"Sonic,I hear you! It's REALLY been long! Bro,you hear me? Sonia,sing it along!" a deep voice sang.

"Sonic Hedgehog,I can't belive you! You left us alone! I can hear you,but leave me alone! Why do you need me? You never did then! We can sit down and talk when?!" a country girl's voice sang.

"We all need to get back together in Harmony. Leavin' each other was such a huge crime. Sonic Underground REUNITE!" all three sang. A magenta hedgehog with pink quills covered her left eye. She yanked on Sonic's ear.

"Prince Sonic Maurice Hedgehog! Mother has been calling you for months! Yet you haven't had the decency to say: 'Hey,Ma! I'm busy right now,give ya a call back when I'm free!'. Sonic,the castle needs their rightful King back to rule the throne,and you're the only one to do it!"

Sonia barked.

"Well,how in the hell was I supposed to know Ma was EVAN ALIVE you stupid girl!" Sonic yelled back. This was really out-of-character for Sonic! What were they gonna do?

A/N: Hey guys! I wrote that song! It's called Sonic Underground Reunite! Thanks for reading,and I not continuing until Someone says I should. Bye!

-Sonic Hedgehog

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2014 ⏰

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