Mr. Brightside

145 13 3

"It started out with a kiss
How did it end up like this?
It was only a kiss"

The sound of the doorbell ringing awoke me from the most peaceful sleep I've had in a while. Deciding to ignore it, I snuggled into my pillow. I froze as I realized that my pillow wasn't actually a pillow and was actually a body. Then everything flooded back to me.

I had slept with Joe.

"Holy shit."

"Not exactly the best good morning but I'll take it." I remained laying on his chest, not really wanting to move and face the guilt was sure to come.

"I-I've never done this before... What happens next."

"Whatever you want to happen."

"I don't know what I want."

I felt him sigh and I tried really hard not to think about the fact that I was laying half on him naked.

"Listen Taylor... what I want might scare you and I completely understand if you don't want to and I'll be perfectly fine with just being friends with you."

"Joe, what are you saying."

"Taylor I love you. I have from the moment you fixed me up in your hotel room in Hawaii. And I would like to date you. And if it doesn't work out and you just want to be friends in the end I will be the best best friend. Because not having you in my life sucks and I don't ever want to go through that again. And it has nothin to do with the fact that we slept with each other if that's what your thinking."

Leaning up, I ignored that my chest was exposed, "I-"

I was cut off by the doorbell ringing again, followed by a loud knock.

"I should get that." We disentangled ourselves and I looked for something to wear. Finding a shirt of his and some shorts, I rolled the elastic so it wouldn't fall. By the time I was done, Joe had a pair of boxers and was heading to the door. Following behind him, I took my time by looking at the photos on the wall. I was in many of them which made me believe that what he had told me was true.

"Taylor, um what are you doing here?"

I backed up into the restroom as I realized who he was talking about.

"I need you man, I'm so confused..."

"Oh, um well. Why don't you wait downstairs and I'll change and we can head to Starbucks."

"Can't we stay here? I don't really feel like talking about this in public- woah are those girl clothes?"

"Shit." I whispered.

A perfect trail of our clothes lead from the hallway to the bedroom.

"Oh, you have a girl here. Man why didn't you say so, I'm sorry."

"It's okay... She's ah, asleep. Now what was it you wanted to talk about?"

"Oh right, I wanted to talk about Taylor."

I pressed my ear closer to the door, willing their voices to be louder.

"What about her?" I could hear the worry in Joe's voice and I was reminded of the fact that he was his best friend also.

"I obviously still love her and these past couple of days have been crazy. I thought I had moved on and whenever I look at Selena I believe it even more but Taylor was my first love and I don't know if I'll ever get used to just being her friend. I mean she's the one who ran, I should be mad at her but whenever I see I can't help but love her."

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