The Distance

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  • Dedicated kay yongzkie

Where are You?

Genesis 3:9

9 But the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?”

Each and every one of us is made by God. We were created by His own image and likeness.

We could remember how man has sinned against God when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit and when they eyes are open they hide from God and God called them: Where are you?

What does where are you stands here?

One is that it implies distance.

When man sinned against God, he was separated from God. That's why sometimes we feel so empty that we don't know what's lacking inside us. Man is sinful. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. We have acquired the sinful nature that Adam have.

Man separation to God produces death, the worst death we can have once you are separated to Him is the Eternal death. The Death in the firey furnace, in the burning sulfur, in the place they call Hell.

Man cannot save himself from this separation. He can't do anything. He was hopeless by himself. His works are no good to save him, Religion is no good to save Him, Going to church is no good to save him. There is only one way..

Jesus said. I am the Way, The truth and the Life no man comes to the Father except through me.

Yes, We all know that Jesus died on the Cross to pay for our sin, to ransom us from death.

How can one be saved?

It's by accepting Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior.

Letting Him control our lives and letting Him be in the center of our hearts.

We must also accept that we are sinners, that we can't do anything to save ourselves.

"For it is by (GOD's) grace you have been saved, through faith, it is a gift from God. It is not from yourselves, not by works so that no one can boast." Eph. 2:8-9

Confess all your sins to Him and Believe that He is the only God that can save you.

Let's just follow the ABC




Surrender your life to the one who created you.

Know where are you?

Are you separated with Christ?

Do you want to be with Him?

The answer is simple.

If you are WILLING to  have Him as your God and Savior just follow this simple prayer below.

Lord Jesus, I come to your Holy Presence as a humble man before you. Lord, I accept that I am a sinner and that I cannot save myself. Forgive me of all the trespasses that I have done, I surrender my life to You. I accept you as my Personal Lord and Savior and I Believe in your name. Lord, take control of my life and be the center of it. I entrust my whole life to You. Amen.

Welcome to God's Family.

Where are You?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon