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"Because now...

...we are free."

A soft chord plays as the curtains start to slowly close. The show ends, not with a bang, but with a glimmer of hope. A glimmer of hope that makes you want to see this show ten more times, a glimmer of hope that makes you reminisce on the show and how good it was... a glimmer of hope for all.

The thunderous roar of applause only got bigger as Jo and I stayed in the final position of the show— standing beside each other, looking out on the audience. Feelings overcame me quick as my eyes started to water slightly.

As commanded, we go back to the dressing room commons— a small space with a water bubbler, a couch, a television that allows us to see the show on there, and more. Everybody was already awaiting our arrival, as the cast of seven applauded VERY loudly.

"We... did it guys." Kaine said very happily. He looked down as we gave him flowers and gifts galore... he deserved them. He made this entire thing possible!

"Malaki... I'm so proud of you." Jo, my lovely female friend said to me as she hugged into my broad chest.   She's like a sister to me, and she knows that. I'm basically her older brother. Haha...

"Jo, you are a paragon of light and hope... this next year here will go by very fast, but I know I'll never forget them." She released from the hug, and we all applauded each other for our performances.

While we are at it, let's introduce all of the 7 cast members (8 including Kaine)!

Well, there is me. Of course.

There is Jo, basically my little sister who's adorable and great at everything.

Then the director, writer, producer, and other titles of this entire production Kaine who I've known since I went to college. (We were roommates for awhile.)

There is Epiphany and Aristotle, the fabulous girl twins who slay at anything brought to them.

Amy-Ingrid, the best dancer in the entire universe.

Then finally, the only other guys here, Aaron and Atlas. They are my homeboys, and I talk to them a LOT.

Anyways, we all got out of our costumes and into more comfy outfits (me wearing a white tank top, a red and grey flannel, khakis, and the silver locket) and met the people who paid extra to meet the cast. This'll be exciting.

Kaine, Jo and I emerged first as we kinda are the main biggies. The release felt amazing. Seeing all these people of different ages, status, and more made me feel wholesome...

They applauded very loudly while we walked out. They wanted out autographs, pictures, and more. I gave them all of that, considering they paid a lot for this.

Epiphany, Ari, Amy-Ingrid, Aaron, and Atlas soon followed behind us, doing the same thing. Getting pictures and signing autographs... it just feels amazing to be apart of something this big.

I wish this moment could last forever. Where everybody is supporting of me, and doesn't care who I am or what I once was... where everybody can just be happy and surrounded by peace.

...There he is.

Kevin was talking to Kaine, and they were joking around. I could tell they were close friends, as they were laughing together.

I pushed through a few more people, then were standing in front of the two. They both smiled at me gleefully.

"Hey Malaki! This is my boyfriend Kevin, I don't think I've ever told you..." He said to me while grasping Kevin's hand.


B O Y F R I E N D ?

...I tried maintaining a smile as Kevin started to speak.

"Wait... Malaki? You were from that theatre camp thing, were you? And you are STILL wearing that locket?" He laughed while saying it, obviously joking around. Kaine laughed. I caressed it firmly, dangling it in my fingers. It's silver gleam shimmered in the lights.

"Mmhmm. Good to see you Kev." Again, I forced a smile. He laughed as Kaine laughed as well. Oh well. They are cute... they belong. Well, do they belong?

I cannot know for sure. They might be in a toxic relationship... they look so happy though! And if I try breaking it apart, Kaine will probably make me get outta the cast and get replaced... and I don't want that.

I zipped my mouth.

"Anyways, I am heading out... I really need rest." I spoke softly, still fiddling with the locket. They both nodded, and went back to conversing quietly.


I was staring out off my balcony in my apartment, admiring the cities business even at night. It's beautiful. The lights bouncing off other lights, creating a painting filled with motion...

It was a great night for sure. The performance went smoothly, and I get to do it... well, 500 more times until we are off NYC broadway? Yeah, that sounds right. We already are booked at a private resort in LA for our performances there... ha.

But I still can't believe Kevin... the love I loved, the person who I have desired over the past seven years, is dating Kaine. I do love both of them a lot, it's just going to be hard...

I went back into my apartment and took off my flannel and tank top, then hopped into bed. Nuzzling in, I opened my phone, to check for new texts.

Oh, there is one!

??: Hey, would you maybe wanna get a coffee one of these days?

Huh. Who could this be..?

Malaki: Who are you? Sorry for asking, I just don't have you in my contacts.

I waited for a response.

David: It's David. Remember me? I got your number from Kaine.

Ohh! David! I haven't spoke with him in years...

Malaki: Oh my god! It's been so long! How have you been? And yes, a coffee would be nice.

David: It's going great! I moved to New York with Kevin (considering he is my roommate) so I could finally get a better job in music.

Malaki: I see, Crystal Bay doesn't have many jobs there...

David: Exactly. Sorry I couldn't say hi to you after the show!

Malaki: It's completely fine David. So, wanna meet up at... say, 9:30 at Lunar Cafe?

David: That would be wonderful. Goodnight!

Malaki: Night.

Don't assume we are a thing. We are friends going out for coffee.

This'll be fun and a way to get my mind off of Kevin and Kaine... David has always been there for me. Of course, he does have a girlfriend, but I don't even like-like him. We are more brotherly.

I set an alarm for eight, so I have time to prepare. I don't have a performance until 9:30 that night, so I have some time on my hands.

Let's just hope everything plays out right.

Author's Note

so how are you all
that's good
if you are bad i hope your day gets better
if it is 11:59PM sorry then
i hope your next day is better
also yes gay

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2017 ⏰

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