No Way!

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Chapter 1 introductions!

Anticipation filled the air, making it feel hot and sticky. But I didn't mind I was about to meet my new favorite band! I looked to my right; my friend Skyler stood next to me eagerness filled her grey/blue eyes. She looked modern pretty with her black skinny jeans, a white tank top with a light blue shirt that matched her eyes with a picture of her favorite guy in the band. She started to do mini jumps up and down making her Strait platinum blonde hair jump and bounce around framing her pale face. "I'm so excited! I can't believe we're here!" she yelled to me her eyes shone with visible excitement. I looked back at Skyler with a genuine smile "I know right it's like it's a dream!" I replied. I started to jump with her in eager anticipation waiting for the band to play- BigBang!

The lights started to dim, the music started. Skyler and I stopped our series of mini jumps. Eagerness filled the air. High pitched screams rang through the air of all ethnicities. A foot stepped into the spotlight...... "Yali wake up its 11!" a familiar voice rang through the air. The concert turned into darkness and I was alone.

I shifted into a sitting position on the bed. Shit! It was an F-ing Dream! I thought in my head. "Ughh" I moaned as the sunlight leaked through the blinds and finding me on my bed. I darted my hand to protect my face from the light. I lay down quickly "ughh the light it burns!"I moaned sleepily.

"Yali its 11 we got to get up!" that familiar voice said again....Skyler! O shit! I yelled in my head jumped out of my bed to face a panic stricken Skyler. "what's wrong?" I questioned her utterly confused at this situation. Skyler looked at me like I was the stupidest person in the world. "Your new chapter for the story it was due at 9 this morning you idiot!" she said punching me playfully in the shoulder.

"o shit!" I yelled running to my computer in my pj's, Skyler followed after me also in her pj's.I ran to the computer and opened it to the chapter that was due for the story today I already had it done (and all the other chapters for the story done but I'm to lazy to send them all at once (evil laugh) yeah!) I clicked on it attached it to an email and sent it. I checked my email and groaned I had 15 emails all from my editor. "God what a terrible way to start off a day" I mumbled to myself and Skyler.

"no kidding" Skyler replied

"Shut up!" I said playfully kicking her leg. We both laughed and walked to our kitchen in our shared apartment. The apartment was pretty big with an open floor plan and decorated with modern furnishings.

Anyway we got into the kitchen and picked out our breakfast for the day. I picked a brownie batter Ben &jerry ice cream and Skyler picked out a strawberry cheesecake Ben & jerry. We both sat together on the barstools on the bar. We both started to talk.

"You won't believe the dream I had last night" I said as I took a spoonful of brownie goodness.

"try me I once had a story about this dog and it was my favorite dog for some reason but then this meteor came down from space and landed on him then it had a mouth and eyes and said I'm gonna get you now little girl and then I ran from it and it followed me and right when it was about to get me bam I woke up!" Skyler finished her random storytelling with a shudder

"Well I had a dream that me and you were in Korea and we were at a concert for BigBang, crazy right?" I asked Skyler as I turn around to face her. Her eyes were serious now.

"How was GD?! Was he shirtless? Did he have his bad boy hat on? How was his hair? Was it long and to the side? Was it colored? Was he with another woman? If so I need her name so I can assassinate her ass!" Skyler asked/yelled at me her pale face close to mine her eyes all serious. I should have known she would ask this. Skyler was the biggest VIP I knew; in fact she was the one who got me to see them for the first time. Skyler made it clear that GD was her favorite out of all of them. One time she punched a girl for saying GD couldn't sing, that was a wow moment usually she's so docile I thought that day as I pulled her off the girl with the bleeding nose. I remembered saying Skyler "Damn you drew blood I'm proud of you!" then patting her on the shoulder, good times anyway.

"Well before any of them could come to perform I was awakened by a vampire with sliver blonde hair" I said smiling mischievously at her. We both finished our "breakfast" and Skyler got ready to go to work. Oh and did I mention that Skyler was a model? Well yeah she is I mean how couldn't she be she's like every mans dream with her pale skin grey/blue eyes, platinum blonde hair, and petite body. God I sometimes wish I was her. Me and Skyler have been friends since we were 12 and now 10 years later I'm living with her and she's a famous model, I'm a best-selling author, and we live in new York, wow I guess things really worked out for us.

I go to my room to change out of my wolf pj's. I put on my grey designer shirt with a tiger on it, some black skinny jeans, my black, white and dark purple Nikes, a tiger necklace and I'm ready to go. I look in the full body mirror what I see isn't bad. A skinny girl with tan skin and fudge eyes with long eyelashes, with medium black hair with spiral curls, not bad I guess. I walk out of the bedroom and walk into the living room and start to watch TV while waiting for Skyler to come. I put on betty whites off their rockers and start to laugh my ass off.

About 30 minutes later Skyler comes out gorgeous in blue jean shorts, a blue tank tops and white flats her wavy/curly hair coming down her shoulders. She sees what I'm watching and we watch the last 15 minutes together before Skyler is picked up by her boss Francesca who is a beautiful Russian woman with long wavy red hair she greets my with her genuine million dollar grin we all talk for 15 minutes give or take before Skyler and Francesca leave for their 3 hour shoot. I sit down and call our dog Nyx (Siberian husky and wolf mix) to come sit with me on the couch and watch off their rockers.


Skyler was just riding back with Francesca from the photo shoot that had taken 2 hours longer than she suspected. Skyler sighed and sat back against the black leather of her boss's jaguar. Skyler drifted off listening to Francesca's voice on the phone. "Skyler I just got you a major job!" Francesca yelled her emerald eyes sparkling. "What are you talking about?" Skyler asked sleepy and confused. She couldn't wait to get back to her apartment where she was sure Yalicia and Nyx were waiting probably on the couch for Skyler to return. "You're going to South Korea, Seoul in 3 days! And your getting a photo shoot with they're top bands like BigBang!"

Skyler stopped and stared at francesca skyler was so shocked she could only say two words "NO WAY!"

Authors note-

Hi well heres the first chapter of this new story I made up with sky I hope you like it! Oh and Im hoping to upload the next chapter of midnight assassins and this story by Sunday june10th! Sorry for the wait final exams got theyre hold of me! Well anyway thank you for reading! Stay tuned im really excited for this story I only heard of BigBang yesterday and I love them! Comments are greatly appreciated! Tell me what you think! Bye!


No Way! ON HOLD! IM SORRY GUYS :((BIGBANG fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now