Day 2: Shit

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3:24 AM


My flight didn't go out well since as usual it was delayed by an hour and then the person who's supposed to fetch me just texted me she couldn't come! Like WTF! How am I supposed to hail a cab and speak Korean? Stupid me I even forgot to download an app! And at this hour? Seriously? It's still dark outside! What if the driver kidnapped or raped me? And lastly, I wish that girl from the company provided me with some details on where to check in and stay for the night when she said she couldn't come! And ho-ho! Lucky me, my phone is dead. What now.

3:45 AM

This is my first day here. I don't want to think of it as a bad sign so there's gotta be a way out of this.

But right now, I'm just sitting on the bathroom floor, here at Seoul International Airport... sobbing.

- - -

(Author's Note: For the next subchapter, please pretend "the guy" is speaking Korean.)

3:54 AM

"Yaaa~" I heard a man say. WHAT THE FUCK?! WHY IS THERE A MAN HERE INSIDE THE LADIES TOILET?!  "I'm coming home already Junmyeon hyung. I just dropped by at the toilet to pee, okay? WHAT?!" I was a bit startled when he kinda shouted 'what!' that I almost yelled and cursed. Oh God, I hope he didn't hear me!

"Woah? What was that? Is anybody there?" I hear him ask. I stay quiet. I can't be seen. I don't wanna embarass myself or get raped here or  whatever. I shouldn't trust anyone especially since I'm new in this foreigh country. There was silence for a few seconds, I wonder what he's doing.

Then I heard him talk on the phone again, "Are you kidding me? Of course not! Ya! I'm not with anyone inside here! It's just me! Jongdae already left and Baekhyun is just waiting for me at the car. And the guards are just outside. So it's not what you think. I just needed to pee and wash my face, that's all. The straight 5-hour rehearsal and flight to and from China in one day was quite tiring anyway."

I heard him checking each stalls banging every door wide open for the person he heard — me. Shit, what the hell am I doing here at the men's bathroom! I really need to improve my Hangul and Korean vocabulary from now on.

"Yes, we practiced the new songs really well even in just a short time. I really love singing with him, he suggests a lot of improvements on the arrangement and the lyrics, we're always so in sync. Wish we could all go together but yeah, I understand we have to do this by pairs and keep it from the public first. But even so, I'm happy all nine of us can now work together as one again!" I know eavesdropping is a terrible thing to do, but fear not, I actually didn't understand just about what this guy is saying. I could grasp a bit but I still have poor vocab so... yeah. All I know is that this guy went all the way to China and come back here in Korea in one day just to practice singing? Wow, I gotta say this guy must be rich.

"Yeah, I totally agree. Our EXO-L deserves a complete EXO members comeback before anyone enlists in the military." I can't see him but I really know he just sighed heavily, "I just really miss him too, hyung." Yeah, whoever that is, it must be tough for him to be far from that person who's in China. But wait, did he just mention EXO? And wait... I think I also heard him mention Junmyeon hyung, Jongdae and Baekhyun awhile ago. Is he from EXO? But nah, maybe Junmyeon and Jongdae is a common name here in Korea since most of them almost have similar ones anyway. But Baekhyun? I think it's quite unique. And really? Guards outside the bathroom? Well if he's from EXO then all the more reason why I shouldn't be seen here, right now, at this time. Fans would still be surely outside waiting for this guy to come out. And hell no can he be seen going out of the men's bathroom and a little while later a girl comes going out too. No way! That would ruin everything. But wait... Maybe I'm just tired from the flight. Maybe I'm just hallucinating. I'm also not a fluent Korean speaker but from all the KDramas I've watched before, and from what I observed, their tongue doesn't really speak the same way like how Filipinos or other nationalities pronounce the Korean words. I brushed off the thought. I must be experiencing culture or language shock right now. I just really wish this guy would finish his thing now and go out so I could also leave and just look for a place to stay at this cold, dark night.

"Oh, by the way, I also talked to Lay hyung and he said his flight is scheduled next week. Just enough time for the recording." Holy shit! It's confirmed! This guy is from EXO and I just heard a news-worthy scoop! Wait, that voice... It's familiar. Is he... Oh, you've got to be kidding me! This isn't happening!!!

"Hyung, I really gotta go." Bang! He opens a one door.

"Yes, I'm with manager-nim and we'll go straight home." Bang! Second door.

"Alright hyung, see ya!" Bang! Uh-oh. I'll be dead soon. Not sure though if because of embarassment from being inside the men's room, or because I'll be soon in front of the man I love, the other reason why I'm here in Korea aside from working, or maybe just both.

This is some real shit. I'm gonna be in so much trouble if he sees me here. He had opened three stalls already and there are only five stalls. Fortunately, I'm at the last stall so I hope he stops opening the doors and banging them because I'm not breathing properly here just so he won't know that another human being is actually really here, and of all cases, a girl.

I'm so freaking out right now that he stopped talking to the phone. I don't know what's he's doing right now and what he's about to do. . . Until I heard peeing. Thank God he stopped opening doors? Is that what you think? Nah! It's even worse. I swear in my whole existence that man just saw my pink bag and purple luggage on the floor. Well, THAT, is what you call shit.


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