8 Vuelo

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Today is the big day, we will fly to Goa to start the recordings, I feel uneasy, we had to sneak into the airport, Karan does not want any public, the whole production is a secret so we almost had to enter the cellars, well that It was the idea of ​​Ibrahim and Ira, I admit that the whole plan was fun even if only we three have done it, after all we are the most famous of the cast. It was incredible, we started this new stage excellent and that excites me, maybe I underestimated the situation and it will be better than I expected. The three of us are in an airport cafe waiting for Karan's call, some will meet him in the waiting room but we will meet him and the others on the plane. We eat some hot dogs and refreshments while we joke, our phones ring, it's time.

-You look very energetic today - Ibrahim tells Ira as we walk towards the waiting room.

-I'm very excited. What do not you feel that way? Euphoric - She almost moves forward dancing, she looks like a little girl despite being 21 years old like me.

-Don't call attention please haha ​​you can dance and jump all you want when you arrive Goa - I remember you as I analyze the people around us, it would be catastrophic if someone recognized us, the worst is that we go the three together.

~ Passengers leaving at 8 o'clock with 25 minutes, flight 8752 bound for Goa, they can board their plane in corridor B3.

- Time to run small Khan !! - They have announced our flight and Ibrahim tells us aloud and takes off as if he were really in a marathon.

- The last one invites drinks at the bar! - Ira gives me a pat and runs after Ibrahim. I have no other choice but to follow the game to these two and follow the step.

I think we should have done this much earlier, Ira, Ibrahim and I, the children of the great Khan, we only need Sara so that this can get out of control. They are very funny nothing can go wrong from now on. I sigh when I get to the B3 corridor, Karan is on the bridge making sure everyone has arrived on time, while we pass by he beckons us to continue on our way, it seems that not everyone has arrived. Suddenly Ira lets out a scream.

-What happened?!! You're good?? - I stop next to her and she only looks me in the eyes with scared face.

-It's nothing hehe better we take our seat - Apparently it was something he saw on his cell phone because he has it against his chest and keeps it immediately as soon as I look at it.

- Okay, let's go - I let her enter the plane first and we walked down the aisle to the seats - It seems that we play together.

-Hey because they stayed behind eh ?? - Ibrahim is already in his seat, just across the aisle, so we'll sit together.

"Yes, you're right," Ira tells me. "I suppose Karan preferred that her stars be seated together." She seems relieved. "If you want to exchange the place for me, there's no problem, I got a window.

-No, it's fine like that, if I have to go to the toilet I will not have to bother you- I try to joke with her and we sit down. Ira is on my right, occupies the place next to the window, Ibrahim is on my left, only the corridor separates us. Ibrahim and I talk to each other, we agree to change seats with their partner, so we can sit together and talk at ease - Ira would be upset if I change my place with Ibrahim's partner? - I whisper.

-Oh, no, of course not, neglect - She smiles at me and puts on her helmet headphones, she is ready to isolate herself from the world.

-Well, we just have to wait for it to arrive ... -Him looks surprised towards the end of the corridor - What the fuck does this mean? - I say angrily, this can not be happening. Karan Yohar has approached with an unwanted companion: Nysa Devgan.

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