red string

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it was the afternoon of christmas eve. warm sunlight filtered through the windows, spewing across the room and unfurling across the carpet. uraraka sat on the sofa, clothed in a thick woolly sweater and jeans. she clutched a mug of hot chocolate in her cold hands, the steam blowing upwards, kissing her pink cheeks. she blew across the surface, sending ripples across the dark surface. she closed her eyes and took a sip, letting the warm liquid trickle down her throat. when she lowered the mug and opened her eyes, she noticed heaps of red string surrounding her.

she held the cup in her left hand and lifted her right hand up. right there, on her pinky, had a red string tied to it.

her eyes widened. the red string of fate.

the red string of fate that leads one person to their soulmate.

the red string would appear any time. no one knows when, but it would just appear. it would be tied on one's pinky finger. they say if you follow the red string, it would lead you right to your soulmate.

the catch is that this red string would appear in one big heap.

the string would be strewn around you in heaps, and it was almost impossible to follow it all the way. one way or another, you would get lost and wind back up at the start again.

a smile spread out on the brunette's face. she would be lying if she said she wasn't happy and excited.

she placed the mug down and jumped up. screw finishing her drink. she could drink it after she completed her mission. quickly, she shoved her wallet, keys, phone, and other things she considered as necessities into a small sling bag before rushing to grab her coat and scarf. while tumbling into the genkan, she slipped her coat and scarf on, then putting on her snow boots. she unlocked the door and headed outside.

she had a good feeling that she would be able to find her soulmate on that very day itself.

boy, was she excited to find her soulmate.


midoriya was walking out of the konbini, a pack of onigiri and a can of iced coffee in a plastic bag. wondering what the time was, he lifted his left arm up to take a look at his watch. to his surprise, he saw a crimson string tied onto his pinky.

the red string of fate appearing on christmas eve? there had to be a reason for it.

a smile crept onto his face as he began to follow the red trail.

if this didn't mean he was supposed to meet his soulmate today, he didn't know what else it could mean.


uraraka eagerly followed the string out to the streets. the string seemed to go on forever, as though it was just one long, unending, monstrous thing.

she stopped to look at her surroundings. there were little shops that were neatly aligned on both sides of the road. a light layer of snow covered the walkway and the branches of the trees.

suddenly, she heard a low growl. and it was coming from her stomach. that was when she realised that she hadn't had lunch yet.

she surveyed her surroundings. her eyes alighted on a nearby starbucks. she opened the glass door and the bell attached to the door chimed. she stepped into the establishment, catching a whiff of heavenly coffee and the aroma of the delectable pastries that this place served. a chorus of "irrashaimasse" was heard from the cheerful baristas dressed in green aprons standing behind the mahogany counter.

she joined the queue and before long, she found herself in front, facing a shy raven-haired male with bright black orbs.

with a warm smile, she said, "i'd like to have a slice of strawberry shortcake and a cup of chocolate frappé, please."

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