RWBY Yang Xiao Long X Male Reader. (Volume 1) Chapter 1.

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(Well before I start this off, this is my second Fanfic I've done for the RWBY series, this time with the beautiful golden haired fighter as the center of it. Not much to say than other than to maybe read on my Ruby Rose X Male Reader a bit as well as I will most likely make a few subtle references to it. Other than that please enjoy my first Chapter of The Equinox...or don't I don't really care.)

Character Description:

(Note: This is what I imagine the character to be like, you can change however the character looks like but his Semblance and Age are unchangeable of course. I will always use this is a representation of what the character is like and how everyone else reacts to him.)

Race: Human

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Name: Raiden Flynn (Personal Preference, I will use (F) for the character so name him whatever you want) 

Eye Color: Light green eyes with flecks of gold within them.

Hair Color:Dark brown hair with hints of gold at the tips of his hair, his hair is wavy, and is a short/medium length. 

Clothing(At Series Start): Old and worn light blue jacket with a tear on the right corner of the Jacket. White shirt worn underneath and black pants.

Height:5'7 and still growing. (A little bit shorter than Yang, he'll get taller don't worry) 

Age: He is 16(Almost 17) at the start of the series.

Preferred Hand: Left Handed.

Basics of his Semblance: Combustion(Explosions) with his right side and Frost with his left. (Heavily inspired by Shoto Todoroki and Katsuki Bakugo from My Hero Academia, But there is much more to his Semblance that is revealed later.)


(F/L):First Name/Last Name

(F):First Name

(Volume 1) Chapter 1: Explosive Beginnings

(Months before the start of Beacon/ Yellow Trailer)

You're sitting on a stool by the bar, just finishing up your Strawberry Sunrise. You don't really want to be in this bar considering all of the shifty people looking at you considering that you're underage, but duty calls. You're waiting for your dad to finish up negotiations with Torchwick and that creep Junior so you can leave, but it seems like they've run into some complications. Kinda odd that you're part of the White Fang when you're not even a Faunus but considering that your dad's a Faunus then you're kinda obligated to help him out. You see that your dad and Roman have finished talking to Junior, they enter another room, seems like more plans in the making, you really just want to escape from all this nonsense but you don't really have any choice. Junior comes up behind you and pats your head roughly, you glare back at him as you open your palm with smoke rising from your hand

You:"Leave me alone Junior, unless you want to get burned." Junior scoffs at you

Junior:"Well aren't you in a good mood."

You:"I hate it when dad has to take me to these stupid negotiations. Nothing but nonsense if you ask me." You finish your Strawberry Sunrise and the bartender slides you another one.

Junior:"Listen here you little punk, despite what you think, your father and Torchwick are doing something that's bigger than all of us."

You:"You mean they're doing something that's dooming all of us?" Junior scowls at you as you get up and narrow your eyes at him. Out of the corner of your eye you can see a Blonde haired girl heading your way. On further she is actually very beautiful. You actually stopped looking at Junior entirely as you kinda just stand there in awe. The Blonde haired girl walks between the two of you and places her hands on the bar table. Junior walks away to the far side of the bar table

The Equinox - RWBY Yang Xiao Long x Male Reader.Where stories live. Discover now