
14 3 10

It was the third time this week that Vans woke up in a cold sweat. Usually with these type of nightmares she can brush them off, drink some hot chocolate and go back to sleep, but this time these dreams struck with a vengeance. Those dreams needed something stronger more like someone. Leo, her boyfriend is a guitar player and song writer for the band he is in, and at the moment he was touring which meant that Vans wouldn't see him for another few weeks.

Eventually sleeping was out of the picture for Vans. She didn't want to experience the overwhelming feeling of terror again and frankly staying up wasn't a problem or so she thought.

Falling asleep at work was something Vans was willing to risk if it meant not falling asleep again.

5:57 a.m.

The time flashed in glowing red digits across the clock on Vans nightstand. Another night filled with silence and exhaustion. Vans sighed and rubbed her forehead, might as well get up for work. As she maneuvered her way around the dark apartment, she saw a light turned on in the kitchen. Turning around the corner she screamed and placed her hand over her racing heart. Leo was pouring Lucky Charms into his mouth and stopped midway when he noticed Vans glaring holes into the side of his head.

"Not even a hug, a kiss or a welcome back?" Leo dramatically huffed and put the Lucky Charms back into Vans stash of goodies that consisted of pepermints, candies, and other mouth watering snacks. "No, you don't deserve it when you know that those are my Lucky Charms." Vans let out a whine and went back to the room knowing that Leo was behind her.

"Hey, usually I eat those when I know you're asleep. Why are you up at this time?" Vans stopped walking to bed and turned back around facing Leo and coming face to face with his chest. She went up to him and hugged him. At first Leo expected a kiss, but this was just as good. He leaned forward and rested his chin on her head.

She could smell the smell that she'd been lacking the last few months. Leo smelt like home and Vans was basking in it. She could feel herself tear up and despite her efforts of making herself stop crying, she cried even more. 

Leo wasn't sure what Vans was doing at first and figured that she just needed a long hug, but the little sniffle that came out of the girl had Leo on high alert. "What's wrong?" He softly murmured against her hair while giving her head a kiss. 

Vans quickly shook her head and peeled back from the hug. Muttering about her stolen Lucky Charms, she was sure Leo would put it off since she usually cried about simple things. Not daring to look Leo in the eyes she focused on going to kitchen to make herself a cup of coffee. She softly giggled to herself when she remembered the videos that helped her stay up for the past couple of nights. 

Brandon fucking Rogers was an addicting son of a bitch and Vans couldn't help but let out a small, "Another cup of coffee" reference while she let the drink cool down. 

Vans tried to maneuver her way around the kitchen counter for her to only stumble and knock into the table. Blurs of colors and black dots danced across her vision causing her to grip onto the tables edge to keep herself standing up right. "Fuck", she mumbled to herself. It was the third day that she had stayed up and the effects were bound to happen sooner or later. 

"Hey, did you change the sheets to Tinker Bell theme again?" Leo abruptly stopped when he noticed Vans hunched over the table. His brows furrowed in confusion, making his way to the girl he placed his hand on her shoulder and turned her around. Leo didn't know how he didn't notice it before, but her skin was paler than usual and the bags under her eyes were prominent. Vans never had bags under her eyes. 

"How long has it been since you slept?" That question alone made Vans freeze on the spot and she tried to brush it off. "I'm fine, Leo." Pushing Leo away to show that she was okay was a huge mistake considering that she almost fell again.

"I'm going to say this one more time. How long has it been since you slept?" Leo narrowed his eyes down at the girl waiting for a response when he realized that her hands were shaking. 

"It's been uh, three days. I think." Vans didn't pay attention to her hands anymore, after the second night she didn't bother being scared. It was the over consumption of coffee that was fucking with her and she knew it. Caffeine doesn't mix with an anxiety ridden Vans, dully noted. 

"Three days?" Leo stared at Vans with concern and pulled her towards their room. "Yeah, you aren't going to work today." He stated as he reached for his phone. 

A whine came from Vans, "Leo, I'm okay. It's Friday and I can go to work one more day." She tried to get up and somehow got up successfully. Grinning smugly she looked up at her boyfriend, "Besides you're not even that blurry." 

Leo glared at the girl's dry sense of humor and offered her a fake laugh that he knew that she knew that he still didn't care. Scrolling through the contacts, Leo found Vans bosses name under Rosalie the Hoealie, chuckling at the name he dialed the number and quickly told  Vans' boss that she wasn't coming into work today. "You know, Rosie is lenient when it comes to these type of things. Why didn't you just call in sick?" He asked Vans while he helped her back into bed. "Because I don't want to be that type of employee that calls in sick every week." 

"You're doing the most and Rosie can see that. If she didn't then do you really think you'd still be working for her?" Leo did have a point, but as always Vans didn't want to agree with him. It was as if Leo knew what the girl was doing, shaking his head he grumbled, "Tch, you brat."

Vans snuggled into Leo's warmth and smiled softly at the feeling of him holding her. "Was it the nightmares again?" Leo asked. He didn't need a response when Vans merely nodded her head. Hugging her tightly, "Don't worry, princess. I'm here." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2019 ⏰

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