I Love You

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~Chapter Twenty-Nine~

Jake (two weeks later)

After two more days in the hospital, I was able to take Nathan home. His mother was still on her business trip, trying her hardest to get that better paying job. I took off a week from school to take Nathan to a small cabin house we owned out in the country, far from our home. He seemed to like it, and he was recovering.

Every night was hell, trying to get him to take his medicine and rubbing witch hazel on his bruises and hydrogen peroxide on his wounds. He would cry because it hurt or complain about his medication and became the most stubborn child in the world.

Yet, I love him to death...

I came out of the shower and dried off, pulling on boxer briefs and basketball shorts before walking out. Nathan was on the king sized bed, watching Netflix. I smiled and kissed his cheek. 

"Good afternoon, Natey," I nuzzled him. He giggled lightly and huggled me. 

"Hi," he murmured. I gently held his chin and made him look up at me. I pressed my lips to his. Ever since Cayden left this world, Nathan has been skittish and uncomfortable with intimate contact... I never once asked him what happened. I sure as hell wouldn't be able to say, if that happened to me. Nathan kissed back. I felt his heart begin to race, but not in fear...

"Wanna stay in bed all day?" I whispered in his ear before kissing his shoulder. He gave a slight whimper before nodding. "Alright," I kissed his cheek and rubbed his chest. I got up and went to the kitchen. I pulled out the cinnamon rolls from the oven and put on the icing on them. I heard Nathan whine from the bedroom. He must be hungry.

I put two on a plate and got some apple juice from the fridge. I brought it to him and kissed his hair. He quietly thanked me and kissed my jaw. I hated this. He was unintentionally turning me on by kissing my jaw and I wanted to make the sweetest love to him possible.

I want to hear him softly gasp and moan underneath of me... I want to become one with him, forever. I had a silver ring with a black band on each side of it. Engraved was an "N + J". I had another one made just in case Nathan wanted the same one for me... It was hiding deep in my duffel bag, waiting for the right time. 

I got my own cinnamon rolls and laid down behind him. Nathan was a cuddler, for sure. I felt... Bad and sad. He wanted to be intimate, but I guess he gets... Flashbacks of what had happened...

"Jake?" I was pulled from my thoughts. Nathan smiled weakly at me. "I-I love you..." My heart skipped a beat. It still made me weak in the knees to hear that. 

"Aw, Natey... I love you, too... So, so much..." I kissed his cheeks repeatedly. He responded with a cute, weak giggle and hugged me. I kissed right behind his ear. 

"J-Jake..." He whispered. 

"Yes?" He blushed and looked down. 

"C-Can we... I wanna... I-I mean..." My stomach dropped. 

"Nathan... If you aren't ready... Don't push yourself..." I watched him look down. I sighed and nuzzled him. "How about this... We'll do dinner and dessert, and if you still want to, I'll definitely do it..." Nathan smiled and nodded. After all, dinner would be about three hours... I rubbed his tummy.

"Jake..? Can you tell me stories..?" He paused Netflix and looked at me.

"Stories? About what?"

"School? Family? Anything, really..." I hummed and kept rubbing his tummy. 

"Well, when I first moved here around second grade, I had no friends. I was being a loner at recess under a tree. There was a small puddle that had been frozen. Being all alone, I started to mess with the ice. I kicked it and picked at it. Then, a girl and her friend came up and told me I couldn't kick the ice." I chuckled when Nathan made a confused face. 

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