Chapter 14

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Keely | Koco 🍯✨

"Okay ladies. All we have to do is tighten up those arm movements and get on the right foot when we start off that cheer, and we should be ready for Friday's game against the Raiders. Any questions or concerns," I asked my squad of girls.

I had become co-captain of the varsity cheerleading squad, along with Tay, Willow, and Paradise.

We were wrapping up practice for our game that we had against our rival team, the Raiders.

Nobody spoke up or said anything so I naturally assumed that they didn't have any questions and were clear about what needed to be done.

"Okay ladies. See y'all tomorrow. Make sure to wear your uniform to school, as we will be having a pep rally before the game," I said, finally dismissing them.

"I gotta make it to work in time today, so I'll talk to y'all later," Willow said, and left.

"Yeah, my momma want me to babysit my little brother while she work tonight, so I will call y'all later," Tay said.

"You catching a ride home with your boo after football practice," I asked Paradise.

"Yeah, I'll talk to you when I get home. Just text the group chat when you get together," she said, hugging me.

"Alright boo, talk to you later."

"Alright boo," I said, finally walking out and to my truck.

As I got to my vehicle, my phone rang. I pulled it out my purse, reading the caller ID, and it read "Quavious Marshall 😒"

I rolled my eyes, sighing, and then slid my screen to answer the phone.

"You have reached the voicemail box of Keely. She doesn't deal with fuck niggas--"

He sucked his teeth and cut me off.

"Why you always gotta play me to the left, baby girl" he asked.

"You can call me Keely from here on out. I'm no baby girl to you. When you can talk to these other females all like our relationship don't even matter to you anymore, then you lose that special title in my life. So what do you want, Quavious," I said, now clearly annoyed.

"I just called to check on you. I still care about you, you do know that right," he said, trying to sound convincing.

"You have a real funny way of showing it. But whatever. I'm about to get on the road. I'll talk to you later," I said, quickly hanging up.

I just wasn't trying to deal with his shit at all.

I connected my phone to the AUX cord and went to my Spotify and played my list on shuffle play.

The first song that played was Stilletos x Crime Mob.

I started to get lit with the song, pulling out of the school parking lot, making my way to McDonald's to get me something to eat before I got home.

Once I started to leave McDonald's, my phone rang again and I rolled my eyes.

"Niggas can't never let me be great and just twerk to my music while I'm driving," I said, looking at the caller ID, as I came to a red light.

It was Messiah and I changed my mood a little bit because I actually wanted to talk to him.

I answered it, putting the phone on my lap, and continued driving.


"Wassup bae? Whatchu doin?"

Bae? Okay then.

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