8 Battle part 2

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"Hi i'm awake you can let me up now." Lizzy said to no one in particular.  "Hello.  I am awake where are ya all I can't move.  HELP!  Please!" Lizzy said a few moment later.  "Hello I know ya can hear me this place is like big brother.  Ah come on Sky Guy I have to pee!" Lizzy said getting annoyed now.

"You call me?" Rick said with a smile a cup of coffee in his hand.  "I did say please and I really need ta pee.  Remember." Lizzy said.  "Yes." Rick said with a laugh.  "How's the bottom today?" Rick asked like it was an every day thing him letting Lizzy out of her shackles.  "Fine thanks.  Now I need ta pee." Lizzy said running to the toilets.  Rick's laughter following her. 

"Can I have one?" Lizzy asked looking at the coffee.  "No you can not.  Juice and cereal are over there." Rick said.  "He is not so tough." June said.  "I know or he would be badly hurt by now, or dead." Lizzy said helping herself to the cereal. "Do you forgive him yet, you know for yesterday?" June asked sitting with Lizzy.

"I don't know if I do.  My dad is in a cage and I still have to fight. Sometimes life is not fair." Lizzy said having a bout of self pity.  "I know it is hard, chin up you will be fine." June said finishing her coffee and leaving Lizzy to her cereal.


"Harls when they let ya up, can ya get me a key?" Joker asked.  "When we leave her we are leaven together with the girls." Joker stated.  "I will see what I can do Puddin." Harley said as she lay on the floor still tied up.  "So you are the Joker?" Felicity said.  "The one and only!" Joker replied.  "How did you so it?" She asked.  "Do what?" Joker smiled.  "Break into a secure bunker?" She said.  "What so ya can stop the next one who worked it out?" Joker replied.  "Well yes." Felicity said shock taking hold of her.  "Not a chance Blondie.  You must be the girlfriend.  Didn't he wanna put a ring on it?" Joker asked laughing.  Felicity walked away.

"What about me?" Harley asked from the floor.  "Yes I know ya don't think much of me, but Harley here helped ya." Joker said looking Felicity in the eyes.  "I will help Harley she is my responsibility." Rick said helping Harley to her feet.  Joker lunged at Rick from the cage he garbed his shirt and it ripped.  "You missed me." Rick said.  "I won't always be in this cage." Joker said his green eyes blazing at rick.


"Finally I thought we would never leave." Lizzy whined.  She had been a pain in the bum to Rick all morning, demanding answers constantly.  She had skipped over to Joker that very morning with the key she had pick pocked from John about to give it to Joker.  Rick grabbed her just in time.  "What are you doing?" Rick said.  "Dah!" Lizzy replied.  Joker started to laugh his laugh drifting through the lair running cold chills up the spines of Arrow's crew.

"I told you to wait and behave.  That is why you are with me and going out later." Rick said.  He was very quickly loosing patience with the young girl.  "So why did John have to stay back with Flicker?" Lizzy asked. Rick was about to answer.  "Oh wait I know because of Dad.  Oh poor Flicker, she is scared of my Daddy." She continued.  "I am scared of your Daddy." June said.  "Yeah I guess he is a little scary?" Lizzy commented.  "A little!" June said shivering.  "He aint all bad ya know?" Harley said.  "Yeah he dose have a good side." Lucy said all three girls laughed at the same time.

"Now we have to get to the Mother, It is we think over in that Bunker." Rick said to his team pointing to the large bunker to the right.  "IF we can get inside we will be able to stop the reproduction.  Problem is they fight hard and close in on anyone who gets close." Rick said.  "Who's going in and who is going to take on the others?" Boomerang asked.

"He is expendable he can go." Curtis said nodding at boomerang.  "Hold on a sec mate!" Boomerang said.  "Don't be mean to uncle Boom Boom!" Lizzy said hitting Curtis.  "I was... I will shut up now." Curtis said.  "I will go." Diablo said. "But you saved us all....."Lizzy said her voice trailing off.  "I can do it, I will be fine."  he said.  "I've got ya back Mate" Boomerang said holding up his gun.  "Me too." Deadshot said.  "We all have." Rick said.

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