jandavid: =__= I'm watchin' you

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Hey natsu and happy can I ask you two a favor? I have a severe illness and I will die tomorrow if it isn't cured. The only cure is for happy to kiss Charles and natsu to kiss Lucy. Please help me I don't want to die ;_; and the doctor said it should be making out


"What do you want, Happy?" The white cat asked as Happy stood on the guild table in front of her. The blue cat stared at the intricate wood-carved table as the she-cat frowned at him, perplexed about his peculiar behaviour.

"Is something wrong?" Asked the small dragon slayer with indigo pigtails as she looked between the winged cats. There weren't man in the guild today, and already a handful of wizards were paying close attention to the odd way their blue bundle of happiness remained to appear closed-off.

Happy let out his worries in one thin-lipped pant. His paws flung out behind him and he pushed his mouth against Charle's his eyes closed and the blue on his cheeks turned pink. Charle stood still, the thin slits of her eyes suddenly wide discs of surprise.

There was a sharp gasp from the closest witness, Wendy. What stuck out the most to all of the guild members was the way Charle didn't push Happy away, instead Happy pulled away himself, his face no longer blue, but red.

Applaud filled the room as Happy bit his chin shyly. Charle's face resembled a tomato, but to Happy it  was a cute tomato, in spite of how little sense that made. "Good going, Happy." Natsu boasted, giving his partner a pat on the back as he approached, a wide grin spread across his face.

Charle bit her chin, too, but only to stop a smile from spreading across her face. The way her tail stood was enough for Happy to understand her excitement, though, and the small blue-furred creature grinned cheekily. "Aye!" He agreed with his friend, and now the other cat couldn't resist the sweet smile as warmth filled her.

Her eyes finally returned to their shapr, pretty shape that Happy knew and loved as her head tilted to one side, her smile brighter than even Natsu's flames. "Aye." She replied.


Despite his recalcitrance, Happy had not been able to follow Natsu into Lucy's apartment that day. It had been quick thinking on Natsu's part, to convince Happy that he had been an embarassment to Charle, and that he should apologize to her.

Thanks to that distraction he managed to sneak away for his part of the favour.

The door clicked shut behind him and the celestial mage he was looking for leaped out of her chair like a Jack-in-the-box at the noise. "Natsu?!" She shouted in annoyance. Once upon a time she would have kicked him for his obtrusiveness. Then she got used to it.

"Where's Happy?" She asked, confused as to why the cat wasn't with Natsu at this occasion.

His mouth curved like a hill Natsu stared at the ceiling and began to utter the blunt truth, "He went to Fairy Hills to apologize to Charle for kissing her."

Lucy's face lit up like the sun and she clapped with pride for her guildmate. "Happy finally kissed Charle?" Natsu gave her a dead-end stare as he nodded, not hindering her excitement in the least.

"Luce... There was- uhh..." As Lucy looked at his face she was dragged back by seven years, back to the time when she had been convinced he had had a crush on her. He had wanted to tell her something and he had blushed just like this. Her heart faltered. Natsu's hand, which was behind his head scratching his pink hair in uneasiness fell suddenly to his side.

"Screw it." He muttered, grabbing both of Lucy's hands in his and holding them crossed above her head.

"What are yo-" Her hands fought against him until he pressed his lips against hers, then they seemed to relax, and so did she. It didn't take long before Lucy's lips parted for him, and Natsu's lock on her hands released so that his could take control of a better space at the hem of her skirt.

Her arms, no longer shackled by his embrace, made their way around his neck. She pulled him closer to deepen the kiss, unaware of  anything but him. With each parting of lips she would take in a sharp breath of warm air, as he did the same.

Natsu's warmth had touched her heart, and she ached as her hands slid over the surface of his skin, making their way to his chest. She pushed him away from her, breaking their embrace as she exhaled deeply. Her mouth felt warm, as did every place Natsu had been; the back of her thighs, her wrists, and all of her chest, stomach, and waist which had been against him.

Lucy couldn't help the smile, then and she even chuckled a bit. "Get out of my house." She said, her hands not moving from his chest. Her gaze met his and the pinkette seemed as disappointed as her to break the kiss like that. He looked at her with a slight, disbelieving gape to his mouth, and a sparkle of mischief in his eyes. "Idiot. I'm writing, go home."

The small circle of his gape expanded into the cheesiest grin she had seen him pull, yet. "Sorry, Luce."

((Oops. I did it again.))

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