The Academy

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Hello everyone *waves shyly* Just wanted y'all to know that this is my first time writing a wattpad book (who am i kidding this is my first time writing a book in general).

so please do not hate on me if you find a few errors or if something doesn't make sense, just message me privately and I will correct them.

Oh and if any of y'all have some good ideas for the book you can tell me.


All my characters are from my mind so I hope y'all enjoy the book and love my characters byeeeeeeee😘😘😘😘😘

Thank you for reading.


The Academy.

I. Hate. My. Life.

That's the kind of thoughts that ran through my head at 3:00am on a bloody Saturday morning, why can't I be normal, live the American dream, go to parties, hang out with normal people, do normal 16 year old stuff but Noooo. Life just had to drag my ass to this secret service nonsense.

Lemme start from the beginning;

My name is princess Tanika vodrigez, and no I'm no princess, I'm a 16 year old girl from Russia, I'm a natural red haired girl with wild hair that reaches past my waist with sun kissed tan skin, i'm 5'11 and I have Grey eyes. I've never had a boyfriend nor have I been to a party before, WHY? You may ask. It's because i'm an agent, I work for a secret service that trains girls from age 5 to become spies.

I lost my mom due to cancer and my dad was so heartbroken that he couldn't stand looking at me since I was basically a replica of her so he gave me out to an orphanage at the age of six and two weeks later I was taken away by some people saying they we're gonna adopt me and all that crap but I didn't care as long as I was far away from that place.

They taught me how to speak fluent Russian, how to fight, how to be tough and get information out of people without them noticing my motives. I was home schooled at the academy and never went anywhere unless I was an escort.

As I grew up they started noticing my talents and put a lot of efforts into my training hence why I hate my life. So back to the present I had a schedule;wake up at 3, jog around the whole campus till 5 then shower and have breakfast and finish by 6, then make my way to the gym and practice on my boxing then head over to the gun room and practice till 8.

After all that is finished, I head over to the main hall and get my assignment for the day and end at 6pm and have the rest of the day to myself. Monday, Wednesday and Friday are my school days (which I hate very much due to homework) it always takes away my rest periods.

So here I am putting on my skin tight jogging pants and a sports bra with a hoodie over it, I manage to gather up my beautiful but stubborn hair into a bun, put my trainers on and grabbed my iPod and earpiece and listened to a couple of Rihanna and Nikki Minaj's songs as I began my routine.

I then went around the whole place five times until it was 4:50, I decided to stop and headed to my room to shower. After I showered, I blow dried my hair and combed till it was free from knots then put it up into a pony tail.

I got dressed In a pair of sweat pants and a loose crop top and headed to eat breakfast in the main hall. At 5 going, people mostly are up and about eating breakfast and chatting with their friends. Speaking Of friends, I spotted my best friend Malik wolfing down his breakfast, so I quickly ran up to him without him noticing and whispered,

"Who's your daddy", he jumped out of his seat and spat the food in his mouth on my face, I guess I deserved that, I thought.
Malik began laughing as I slowly wiped my face with one of his tissues,
"Its not funny." I said

"Yes it is, I mean look at your face, bet you thought you could scare me right?" He replied whilst wiggling his fingers in my face.

I smacked his hand away and said,

"Whatever. i'm going for my food."

I then walked to the counter to order, I got some French toast with orange juice and an apple and headed back to Malik's table. We talked for a while until I was ordered by one of Tony's guards to come to his office.

As I made my way to his office I became anxious because it was a rare occasion to ever be called by the boss. I raised my hand to knock on the huge oak door.

"Come in," he said

I opened the door and went inside, "Take a seat. " he said

"I know you are probably wondering why you are here so let's clear that up, you are here because I have a mission for you." he stated.

I immediately jumped out of my seat and began squealing but soon realizing where I was, I quickly sat back down and put on my business face.

"Sorry that was out of order, it won't happen again. What is my mission about?" I asked.

"You're excused, your mission is to find out who they are working for. " he said as he handed me a file.

I looked through the file and read their names, Mr and Mrs curry it stated. They looked happy in the picture but why do I need to know who they work for? As if reading my thoughts, Tony said,

"You need to know who they work for because there has been some illegal shipping of guns and drugs, we traced the shipping code and it lead us to that family, but we have no leads about who they are working for or delivering these things to, so you need to find out who they are working for and delivering them to."

"Not to be rude or anything but why me? Can't you get someone more professional to do it? " I asked.

"That's where you come in, you have to be his girlfriend in order to get information about his parents." Tony replied whilst handing me another file.

I opened the file and read his name Nathaniel van curry it stated then i looked at the picture beside his name and he was stunning. I won't lie but he seemed like trouble if his parents were dangerous, besides, he was 16 too!

"How am I supposed to be his girlfriend when I've clearly never had a boyfriend in my life? " I asked.

"Well you will learn, but in the meantime go and pack up and send Malik to my office, the two of you will be going to America tomorrow." he replied

WHAT!! Was all I could think about as I left his office.


Hello my lovely readers I hope this chapter stirs curiosity through you so you could read the next chapter. See you in the next chapter hope you like it.

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