I want a happy ending

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(Y/N)'s POV

   "Once upon a Time , two races rules over earth , HUMANS and MONSTERS... One day war broke out between the two races. Victorious, Humans had won and Monsters has been sent into the underground ,  trapped by a magical barrier. Legend says every human who has fallen down was never seen again. Until one day a human named Frisk fell into the underground and freed all monsters. They showed us monsters weren't all bad then they were accepted into the surface once again..."Professor Le finished the story of the monsters. She wants us to know about them and write a 4 page essay on what we think and etc.

   Wait who's that at the door?? No, it isn't THAT Frisk that saved monsters!! Yet again during the time they went missing. I was only in their elementary school before they moved away. So maybe that's the Frisk who freed monsters. Not that I'm against them, I'm jealous.  They befriended monsters who now care for them. I can't even make friends or have a family who cares for me.

"Ah yes, everyone this is Frisk , they're new to this college so welcome them and help them around classes , Frisk there's a empty seat next to (Y/N)" Professor Le told Frisk.

They went over to the empty seat next to me and sat. As like we all , they started to write their essay though it's easy for them. They actually set monsters free.

Time goes by fast and class ends , good thing I only have one class today. I stayed with Professor Le as everyone else packed and left... but frisk.

"Hey Professor Le where's my next class??" Frisk asked.

"Oh , how about (Y/N) helps out? She has no more classes today" Professor Le starts pushing me out the door while Frisk follows. "It's a good chance to make a new friend" Professor Le said.

Fine only for her. Frisk has History, Alright that's....this way.
"Thanks so much (Y/N)!! Maybe we can hang out after my last class!! You can meet others too!!" Frisk asked me.

"Errr Love to but can't... overprotective parents ya know??" How much trouble would I get into skipping coming home on time?? I'll get a beat down.

   "Oh cmon!! Please?? I heard from Professor Le that other college students past you and make fun of you. She said that she was your only friend. I wanted to change that and help you make more friends!!" Frisk exclaims.

   "F-Fine But I have to go at 6" I gave in. They weren't going to stop anyways. They'll keep asking until I said yes. I'm just going to deal with more beating.

   "Yay!!" Frisk .... hugs me?? I'm not so good with physical contact since all I get is uh beating or smacks , even worse.

   After Frisk's class we went to her place , Professor Le saw and was glad to see me making new friends. Though all I could think about was that story. It makes sense seeing I'm with the person FROM that story.

  Woah, that's what monsters look like?? I mean sure they're around the city but I never seen them personal. There's a tall and short skeleton exiting a red car. Their house is smaller than expected. Maybe because not all monsters live in one house.

  "Oh!! That's Sans and Papyrus!! Well the tall one is Papy so you don't get confused on who is who. I forgot they were visiting today!!" Frisk told me of course. I wonder if they'll like me...

  "Cmon!! Before they shut the door!!" Frisk says as they grab my hand and runs towards the door, Papyrus and Sans gets the hint seeing they can hear our running footsteps , and keeps the door open. How can skeletons hear?? I have no clue.

   We enter the house , it smells like pie. I forgot the taste of pie, it's been so long since my parents actually fed me.

   "So kid , how was ya first day in college , must be tough with all the work in your classes" the short one said , Frisk said the tall one is Papyrus so the short one should be-

   "Adults have it easy after college. Especially you Sans. You're just lazy 99% chance of the time" Frisk as I assume is talking to Sans.

   "ITS OK HUMAN!! ALSO WHOS THE OTHER HUMAN!!??" The tall and I assume as Papyrus asked Frisk.

"Oh!! That's (Y/N)!!! She helped me around the campus. I asked her to come over!!" Frisk said with excitement.

   Looking around even though I'm being introduced.. these are the monsters that got set free huh..... I wonder if I'll be set free one day.

   "Kiddo?? Ya okay?" Sans snapped me out of my thoughts. He seems to have a worried expression, he shouldn't.

   "Oh uh yeah sorry... I was thinking about some things" I replied with a fake but convincing smile. Seems like Sans didn't believe me..

   "Alright.... Anyways let's continue !! Cmon I'll show you around me house then we can have mom's pie!" Frisk grabbed my hand and we headed off touring the house.

  Took about an hour to see the house. Afterwards we had Mrs.Dreemurrs (I think that's how you spell it) pie. It tasted like heaven!! It's been so long since I ever had pie, probably never. I checked the time... oh no , it's pass my dead line.

   I rushed to grab my things. "Sorry I have to go!! It's nice to meet you all uh Bye!!" I zoomed out the door. Im so fucking dead.

    Running back I was thinking about Frisk's friends and family. They got a happy ending. So many care for Frisk and I learned there's more who care. Why can't I have that??

   I tried to sneak in.....


   I want a happy ending too.....



   CLIFF HANGERS!! Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter , I made it long and tried my hardest , no POV switch yet unless I change my mind. Cya Reader~Chan's later!!!


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