Dreamed Memories - Pt 4

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this one was long cause i liked to write :P

She wouldn't always be at the dormitories, but she did drop by at times. Mainly because the girls asked her to, and that was mostly on weekends. However, the nightly sessions were still going on. It surprisingly went through for over a month.

Yes, a shocker. Bakugou conversing with a lowlife for over a month.

It was simply professional encounters. They'd do what they did, rest for a few minutes before going their separate ways. No small talk. Nothing. The girl nearly gave up at the boy's stubborn attitude anyhow. He seemed to embrace it. The less talk the better.

She never talked to him about their sessions. Never brought it up. Nothing. Perhaps she'd complain or glare, but those were easy to wave off. What wasn't was how she went up to him after school one day, sprouting pure nonsense.


"I said I can't do it tonight."

He narrowed his eyes at her, preparing to insult her surely, before she spoke swiftly. 

"You're gonna say something like, 'Well you owe me then' or something, right? Fine. I will owe you. I just can't go tonight."

Then she walked away.

The tone used meant no room for argument. Didn't seem like she was taking his shit today. Surprisingly, he didn't seem irritated at how she mocked him. But he was glaring at her head as she walked away. Something wasn't right. She wasn't nervous or putting up a fight as usual.


Why did it seem like he cared?


He didn't fucking care. All this meant was that he got more time out of her. Her loss, really.


Surprise, surprise.

She fucking lied.

She didn't go that night, that was true. However, she didn't appear again until three days after that. Not school or nothing. And then when she did come back, she had the nerve to act like nothing fucking happened.

Bakugou gritted his teeth, as he glared one of his signature death stares at her when she walked to the girls table for lunch. Had he been writing something at the time, the pencil or pen would be snapped in two. That was how hard his fist was clenched right now.

The redhead didn't seem fazed by it, continuing on with his lunch. Even speaking to Kaminari, who somewhat thought it was okay to sit over at his table. Lucky for him, Bakugou was too angry to care. He was too busy trying to get her to know.

No, to feel what it was he was going to do to her. And at the sight of her shivering back, he smirked.


"Bakugou-san, I can explain!"

"Shut the fuck up."

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