Chapter 1

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It was a nice Sunday afternoon, I was sitting in the corner that I always sit in my favorite coffee shop, waiting for someone. Someone who makes my heart beats fast just when I think about him. Peter Parker. That cute little dork that I meet in school everyday. We were going to do a science project.

"Hey, (y/n)!" he said walking towards me. "Hey Peter!" I said trying so hard not to blush. "I'm sorry I'm late, I had to-" "Yeah, no problem. Take a seat," I said patting on the chair next to me. Peter and I are very good friends but I always had a tiny crush on him ever since the first day we became friends, but of course he doesn't know that. "Ehmm so, l-let's get this ehmm science p-project thing done!" he said as he takes a seat next to me. Did he just stuttered? Why? Was he nervous to meet me? I was confused, there's no way that Peter Parker was nervous to work with me, we've been friends for a pretty long time and we've gone out doing projects almost all the time.

It was getting late and we were about to clean up our project, when out of nowhere Peter asked me "Ehmm (y/n) w-would you like to go ehmm you know, grab some ice cream with me tomorrow? Ehmm maybe after school?" he said it really fast, but luckily I understood what he said. Oh no I was blushing again. "Yeah sure! That would be great." I said with a smile.

So the next day after school, Peter and I went to an ice cream shop near our school. I was so happy and nervous at the same time, I can't believe I'm actually hanging out with Peter alone, you know no school related. Was this a date? I don't know but boy was I so excited. We talked, we laughed and we both sure had a really fun time together, talking about anything basically.

He then walked me home. "I had a great time with you today, (y/n). It was such a great date." Date? Oh this was really a date! I just went out with Peter omg. "Oh I didn't mean to-" Peter said realizing what he said. "It was the best date I've ever been to, I had a great time with you too" I said smiling. "I know this sounds crazy.. and ehmm... we've been friends for a pretty long time.. and ehmm honestly this was the greatest thing ever to go out with you.." he starts rambling "But will you be my girlfriend, (y/n)?" I was so shocked. Peter Parker just asked me to be his girlfriend! I was so happy that I hugged him and said "Yes, you dork. Of course!"

6 months later...

"Babe! Check out this video! This girl here can teleport things! She is soooo cool!!" I gulped as Peter showed me a video on youtube of a girl teleporting an apple. Yes, that's me. Dang it, I should've not teleported that apple to impress my old neighbor. He was 60 years old and he looked sad, so I thought that I would show him a trick to cheer him up. Turns out someone caught it on camera, thank God no one could see my face in that video, I have to keep my powers a secret. No, Peter doesn't know that I have powers. The only person that knows is my step sister Wanda Maximoff, and her friends, The Avengers.

So yeah, I'm related to the Maximoff twins, the twins' dad, which is also my dad, got married to another woman and then had me. Just like Wanda and Pietro, I have powers too. It took me a while to control my powers since this was very new to me. I live with my mom but she's always busy and she doesn't know about my powers, so Wanda had always be the one who takes care of me. Since I'm Wanda's sister and she is a part of The Avengers, I got trained too by them. I can teleport myself and teleport the things around me. The key is to think of the place where I want to teleport it to. This was another world of my life, using my powers and hanging out with my sis and the other avengers. Other than that world, I'm just a normal teenager trying to survive school, a girl who is dating Peter Parker and a girl who loves science. Yeah, just your average teenage girl.

"(y/n)?" Peter called me stopping my thoughts. "Are you okay?" Peter saw me staring blankly at the video. "Yeah, yeah, I was just amazed by this girl," I shook my head. "I know right, I wonder who she is?" Peter said. "Alright, let's go finish our homework, okay?" I said closing his laptop, quickly changing the subject. 

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