Chapter 1

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Matthews POV

I sat on the couch beside my boyfriend Nick, he reminded me of someone who I use to date during my school years, but that boy didn't cheat on me 13 time though, he was only 7 and I was 13 nearly 14.

My doorbell rang so I walked up to the door and answered it hoping it was Steve, but the only person stood there was my....

"Mum! Hoe great to see you!" I greeted with a kind smile

"Hi Matthew dearie, Hi Nick hunnie!" She kindly greeted back, as she set a box down on the dining table, a lable was taped on the lid of the box stating:

Matthews High School Memories 

"Whats that Mrs Lush?" Nick asked as he walked up beside me, I flashed him a loving smile, for a 18 year old, soon to be 19 he was very polite and sometimes tidy.

"These are some pictures from when Matthew was in High School, want to see some?" My Mum asked/answered

"Sure," Nick chirped

So my mum removed the lid of the box and picked out a picture.

"Oh, I remember thatm its from when me and my boyfriend and Steve, Will and RJ tried to ditch school." I stated

Nick eyed the picture for a second then pointed at the youngest boy in the picture that was my (ex) boyfriend and piped up and said.

"why am i in the picture?"

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