CHAPTER 2- The phonecall

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As I am laying on my bed thinking about what happened today, I start to close my eyes and just imagine if I could of said something else. Then suddenly I hear my phone vibrate and I see an unknown number. Usually I would ignore it but it wasn't an 1-800 number, so I decided to answer.

"Hello" I said 

" Hey Amber, it's me Fabian"

Oh my god, why was Fabian calling me, and how did he know my number.

" Hey so sorry for bothering you but I was wondering if you can help me with the history homework?''

I had the sudden urge to tell him the answers right away but I realized why he called me...

" Oh about that... I didn't know how to do it, but we can do it together if you want...?

"Nah it's fine, I'll ask Sarah"

He than hanged up...I should've known that I was just being used for his grades. But then suddenly he calls again.

"Yes" I said annoyed

" Look I'm sorry that I was being a jerk, I just really wanted to talk to you more and all I could think about was homework."

Could I believe what I was hearing?? Did Fabian really want to talk to me?

" Okay then.. what do you want to talk about?"

" I don't know, you start a are pretty good at that.

We then just started talking for hours until midnight. Is it true, did Fabian the player, the heart breaker really did change?

The next day was just like any other day but the only different thing was that I was thinking about Fabian even more than I usually did.  I see Carter walk towards me and in excitement I go up to him.

" Carter, you can't believe what happened to me last night" I said

" Fabian called you last night"

" do you know??" I said with curiosity 

" What you should be saying is thank you... I'm the one who gave him your number. He asked and I knew the big crush you had on him."

" OH MY GOD THANKS CARTER" i said with excitement and then kissed him on the cheek.

" Why are you blushing" I asked

" i'M NOT BLUSHING" he said.

" Okay whatever you say"

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