The Grave Mistake

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Chapter 1

One day on a slow fall afternoon, I was going to my room after eating with my family & there was this one vase always right in front of my door and my parents always called it the "Universal Vase" or "The Power of the World" of which they call the vase. It's probably not actually true, but when I told my parents that, they prevailed and said it was true, so after awhile I gave up on trying to tell them. I never did believe in magic or what my parents call the "Spiritual Awakening that happens to your soul to change how you look at things" or something. Still, I never believed it, but when I almost purposely tried to bump into it I didn't really want it to fall down & break, but it did & I just stood there & watched as it fell & broke on the ground, as it decreased into tiny little pieces. And when it completely fell to the ground & tiny little sharp edged pieces were all over the floor, my mom and dad rushed over, but when they were half way there, I stepped back because I knew they were going for the vase & were going to yell at me & punish me, but when I stepped backwards a cage fell right on top of me.

When the cage fell I looked at my mom she started to rush even faster, but when I looked at my dad he didn't go faster than before, he went slower. Once my mom reached the cage she started to ask, "Are you OKAY, are you okay, are you okay?" Over & over again, but when my dad got there, it didn't seem like he cared I was stuck in the cage, actually it looked like he was pleased or happy I was in the cage. After that, he put his hand in his pocket & took out his key to a vault, of which my mom didn't even know, & he took out a paper that had the pin to open the lock. He showed it to me & my mom & my mom looked so happy he actually knew about this & had a pin for it, but instead of giving the paper to mom or coming over & unlocking it he just put it right back into the vault & locked it again. My mom burst out yelling at him, saying, "Why did you just put that back in the vault? Do you have it memorized? If so please open the lock, if not TAKE THAT PIECE OF PAPER RIGHT BACK OUT & UNLOCK THE CAGE OR GIVE IT TO ME & LET ME UNLOCK IT TO GET OUR DAUGHTER OUT!!!!!!!!!!" Right when my dad was starting to speak, a random bottle of liquid or something hit my head.

When the weird bottle splashed & broke on my head they both looked at me & then my mom turned right back around & started to yell even louder than before saying, "That better have not been the type of liquid that slowly kills the thing or person it hits if it is you better have the other type of liquid that heals & gets rid of the affects!!!!!!!!" Then, my dad said, "It's fine, it's not that type of liquid, it does something else non - harmful to the human body." He tried to sound like he cared & my mom obviously fell for it, but I didn't so I interrupted their yelling conversion and said, "Stop yelling! Calm down I'm fine, plus if he won't open the cage I can just live in here." I tried to sound convincing that I actually wanted to live in the cage & this time my dad fell for it, but my mom didn't. So, she said, "I don't believe that your actually wanting to live in a rusty, old, & also dusty cage." "Come on mom I'm not lying I actually want to live in here." I said as I tried not to mention that I feel fur, no not hair fur, growing on my body in only a few spots. But, when my mom was about to speak two other liquids fell on me & broke. Then, my mom's sweet voice disappeared & she turned around & screamed to her heart's content at my dad yelling, "OKAY, NOW I KNOW YOU DON'T EVEN CARE ABOUT OUR DAUGHTER, I NOW KNOW THAT YOU'RE JUST A LITTLE PRICK THAT ONLY WANTS ME & YOU IN THIS " HORRIBLE WORLD" AS YOU CALL IT, SO THAT YOU CAN TRICK ME TO DO EVERYTHING YOU WANT IN THIS HOUSE, THE STORE, THE STATE, HECK YOU PROBABLY WANT ME TO GET YOU EVERYTHING IN WHOLE COUNTRY! SO, WHY ARE YOU STILL TRYING!!!" When my mom finish screaming her heart out my dad looked shocked & a little bit scared; it was the first time I've seen my dad somewhat scared. But, before he could answer, I yelled, "OMG! WHY DOESN'T ANYONE LISTEN TO ME!!!!!"

The room turned completely silent & my parents just stared at me, so I continued, "Please, for LAST TIME, STOP SCREAMING FOR GOODNESS SAKE!!!!" I kept on yelling & screaming for no reason at all. Then, it felt like my heart or soul just snapped completely & it felt like I had just gotten half my own size & I ran towards the cage door & kept on running until I thought I was near the door & turned, but I realized it wasn't the door & it was a wall, but I still kept on running. And also, by then I realized my eyes were closed when I "turned," so I opened them & by that time I knew what I was & why I was running so fast, I was a wolf.

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