Chapter 6: Knowing Isabelle's True Heritage

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(Isabelle was shocked when she heard that Isidora is her great great grandmother.)

Isabelle: "Wait, wait, wait. This can't be. I can't be Hispanic! I mean, I'm from London!"

Isidora: "Ah, but it is in your blood." (She took out a brown book and Isabelle was suprised as she opened it.)

Isidora: "You have so many Hispanic ancestors that even your mother couldn't count. You may be British on the outside, but you are truly Hispanic on the inside."

Isabelle: "So, all this time, I was Hispanic and my mother never..."

Isidora: "Told you? Of course she didn't tell you, but I knew." (Isabelle got upset as she went to Lara.)

Lara: "So that's the plan, right?"

Rico: "Yes, it may take some work, but...that's the plan."

Nathan: "Then we better get it done soon." (Isabelle walked passed Lara and Lara saw her.)

Lara: "Isabelle, are you leaving?"

Isabelle: "I was until you stopped me."

Nathan: "Is there something the matter, Isabelle?"

Isabelle: "Oh, yes there is, father. My mother lied to me."

Samuel: "What?" (The family was shocked.)

Rico: "Uh-oh...she's not happy."

Lara: "Isabelle, what are you going on about? I didn't lie to you, but what did I lie about?"

Isabelle: "About me being British when you know I was Hispanic!"

Lara: "Ah, I thought this would come sooner."

Isabelle: "So, am I Hispanic, mother? Am I?!" (Lara looked deep in her eyes and sighed.)

Lara: "You are still British, but you are indeed Hispanic." (Isabelle leaned against the wall, stunned.)

Lara: "And I should have told you way back when you were still a little girl."

Isabelle: "But you didn't. It's like I don't even matter anymore. It's always been about Trevor."

Lara: "No, no. It's not always about your brother. Your father and I love you and we..." (She was going to walk towards Isabelle, but Isabelle stops her.)

Isabelle: "Silencio!" (Translation: "Silence!")(Lara felt really guilty and she looked at Isabelle like she was devasted.)

Isabelle: "I'm going out and I'm finding my own path and that doesn't involve you, mother. No me sigas." (Translation: "Don't follow me.")(Lara was about to tear up and she stormed out of the building.)

Lara: "Isabelle, you can't go alone, you..." (Nathan held her shoulder.)

Nathan: "Let her go, Lara."

Lara: "But...she..."

Nathan: "Needs some time to cool herself down. She'll come back when she's ready, but right now, we need to make sure this plan that we're all doing will work. So, come on. Let's give her some space." (Lara sighed and looked away from the exit.)

Lara: "Yeah, you're right. She needs space away from me."

Nathan: "That's not what I meant."

Lara: "I know. Still, I'm worried."

Nathan: "She'll be okay."

Lara: "You sure about that?" (Nathan looks down at the ground.)

Lara: "Exactly. Let's go." (They both went back to the family and Isabelle was kicking rocks.)

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