Chapter One:What did you do?

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Author note: Dear readers,this is my first story so tell me if I need to change anything or you want me to add or delete something.Lets get on with the story now,hope you enjoy it.
Lucy is being ignored and abused by her guild mates,but she does not know why,till know.(This is before Lissiana came to FairyTail.) '...' means thought ".." means talking
Chapter One..don't forget to vote and comment
(Pretend Lissiana hasn't come back yet. But the rest of the anime has gone by, and I don't own FairyTail!!!!)

Lucy's POV
As I opened my eyes, I felt a missing body next to mine. Then I realized whose. Natsu. Huh that's weird, I wonder why he isn't here this morning. I slowly slide out of bed and took my usual morning bath and changed into my bright blue and gold tank top and blue skirt with a brown belt and my celestial keys hooked on with Virgos wip.
I walked out of my apartment and on the side of the river.
"Watch out lucy! Don't fall in!" The Fisherman Yelled at me.
"Thank you! Don't worry I won't!" I Yelled back, happy at our usual 'conversation.' I arrived at the guild doors and sprung them open, expecting the usual greeting as I yelled "GOOD MORNING MINNA."
But instead of the normal greeting, I got magic and Cana's beer bottles.
"Whore" were words I could hear being yelled at me. Injured, confused and most of all depressed I ran out of the guild with a small Wendy running behind me.
"Lucy wait up, let me heal you!! I'm sorry about them I don't know why they did that!" Wendy said as she started to heal me.
And of course this went on for weeks with no end with more physical and mental abuse to the point where I only went to the guild once to twice a week to get jobs. And of course I was kicked out of team Natsu. So I decided to finally end all of it.
I started my walked to the guild as I thought of a perfect plan for myself. I stood outside the guild doors preparing myself for the large amount of magic that will be thrown at me.
I pushed open the large guild doors, and as I did I heard
"Oh look the weakling is here, get her!" And what hurt me the most was it was from my old friend... Erza. But I tried my best to ignore everything as I walked up the guild doors, but before I knew it, I was sent into the floor by magic, but I got back up like I always do. I have a plan and I am determined to do it.

As I finally reached Masters door I had to knock four times before he said "Come in Child." I walked into the room and he said "Oh it's just you Lucy, what do you want with me, are you finally gonna leave the guild?" Master said sadly. I didn't let it get to me because I will be gone soon and I won't ever had to deal with this again.
"Actually yes I am.. So I am going to give you these letters and then I am going to give a speech to the guild, so hurry and up and take my guild mark off." I said with a monotone voice and straight face. A bright light shone over my hand and the guild mark disappeared. I looked at my empty hand. It felt so weird to look at as I had spent years here. I gave one look back at Master as I walked out of his office and began my speech as I had Leo protecting me from all magic.
"STOP" I yell at the top of my lungs to the guild which startled them as I had only fought back in the earlier weeks."Why do you guys do this to me,I thought you were my family, but I guess family doesn't set each other up for disaster. But after my family fell apart I had no where to go and I was just a traveling mage looking for a new family,then I found you guys,my new family,but It turns out I am wrong. If this is how you treat your family members,I don't want to be apart of it." I announce a mess of anger and misery.Tears stream down my face,filling up my chocolate brown eyes.
The guild just stares at me and a quick flash of regret flashes through their eyes just as quick as it came, it leaves, leaving their eye emotionless.
"Who cares what you have to say slut?!" yelled Grey.
"We did care at first but we changed our minds about a weakling like you" yelled Cana emotionless.

"We got tired of your complaints about money,we got tired of how we always had to save you.I have had to save you many times,I risked my life many times,to save a weak,useless person like you.You should just be happy at us for keeping you alive this long" Yelled Natsu.
"We got tired of saving you that is why we kicked you off of team Natsu, also what slut falls for their best friend when there is no chance of him liking her back?"Added Erza,I probably looked like an idiot just standing there with my mouth hanging wide, how did they know that I liked Natsu, well used to like now.
"QUIT THE GUILD WEAKLING" all the guild members said in unison as they didn't know I have already quit.That made me even more shocked,I then raced out of Guild Hall with tears streaming my face and I went straight back to my apartment.
As I arrived at my apartment I crashed down onto my bed and started crying from all the wounds I got. Both physically and mentally. After a few minutes I decided to go through with it.
I decided to kill myself because no one will care if I am gone, no one will even notice. So I did it, I grabbed a razor and first drew the fairy tail symbol on my right hand and drew a big x over it to show my hate for Fairy Tail. I was biting down on a pillow the whole time to cover my screams of pain, of course that didn't do much though. And for the grand finale she stabbed herself in the chest, right were her heart is so she will never love again. "I will haunt you Fairy-tail" was the last thing I ever said..








Or so I thought

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