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*sigh*"Ready" I looked over at Marissa. The fear must have shown on my face because she reached out to comfort me.

"It's your wedding day!! Stop worrying!! Your gonna do great!!"

"Thanks. Cross your fingers I don't fall on my face!!!" I faced the big oak doors. I felt tiny. I tried to Push them open. They wouldn't budge. Not now. NO. I need to get out of here!! I glanced towards Marissa, she had transformed. She was huge. Her deep purple cocktail dress lengthened and turned into dark smoke tendrils as it touched the floor. I stood there frozen as her dress snaked out towards me. Why couldn't I move? Panicking and scared a small whimper escaped my lips. She cackled and grinned a devilish grin.

"It's your wedding day!! Go out and meet your groom!!" Her teeth grew to fine sharp points. And her hair started to smoke. The tendrils of her smokey dress reached my feet, and spiraled up my snowy white, form fitting, wedding gown. It's touch burning my lovely gown into ashes. All the while I could not move. I was locked in place. The snaking tendrils of smoke swirled around me faster and faster creating a tornado, that I was stuck inside of. The wind tore at my bar and whatever was left of my dress. I screamed, but the wind snatched my voice. My thrashing body lifted off the ground. I felt weak. My body grew heavy. Black spots swam in my vision. Everything suddenly stopped when I looked at Marissa. She had fear on her face, and astonishment. I was so confused, why was she afraid? Before I could find out, I blacked out.

Whoa there! First let me explain. Everything. Sorta(the short way). So anyways Marissa and I have been through pretty tough crap. But not together, against each other. Marissa is a bitch. No joke. She's technically a sorceress and rarely shows her true form. I'm normal. At least I think I am. I can't put a spell on someone just by looking at them. Although I don't need too. People just seem to do whatever I ask them to do, with a smile. Call weird or witchcraft, but I don't know. I often don't give it second thoughts. I was used to it back in high school. I was popular, and everyone loved me. Except Marissa. Once setting up for a school play I asked her if she would check on the costumes, and she said no. I told her we really needed to know if the moms and volunteers were done sewing and altering the dresses. But she flat out refused. That had never happened to me before. She captivated me but not in a good way.

Soon we became arch-enemies. She ruined my homecoming dance dress the night before, by "accidentally" dyeing it orange and blue and shredding it to pieces. I have no idea how the hell she got into my house in the first place. To make matters worse she wore an exact replica of my dress(non-dyed and non-shredded) to home coming. Of course I had to get revenge.

I stole her boyfriend. I know! I know! I was a bitch in high school. But now I don't want that. I suffered from my consequences enough, when I do bad stuff, bad things happen. When I do the right thing, good things happen. But it's not always easy. I don't see the world in black and white. It's colorful, there is no specific good guy and bad guy. As much as I wish there were. Life would be sooo much easier.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2014 ⏰

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