Old Made New

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Harry's POV
I thought about what Professor Reid said earlier in the day as I made for Gryffindor Tower. About half way there, I changed my course, and headed for the Slytherin dormitories. I caught a few first years on their way in and asked if they could send Malfoy out.

A few minutes later, a very confused Malfoy was standing in front of me, "What can I help you with, Potter?"

"I know you've been seeing my sister."

Malfoy paled, "Is that so...how'd you find out?"

I shrugged, "Let's just say you aren't to clever when it comes to hiding spots."

He nodded, "So you saw us during lunch. I take it you were also eavesdropping on our conversation?"

"Every. Word." I muttered as I desperately tried to keep my temper under control.

"Harry, I meant everything I said. I love Mia, that's not going to change, no matter how much you may hate me."

I nodded, "I figured." I sighed and awkwardly kicked at the ground, "Look, I'm not happy about this, but I'm not going to get in your way. But if you hurt her, I won't hesitate to kill you."

Before he could respond, I stormed off up the stairs to the Great Hall for dinner.

Amelia's POV
I sat at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall, not really listening to what Hermione and Ron were talking about. Harry sat down across from me, "Hey." He said, waving a hand in front of my face.

I sat up and glare at him, "You here to yell at me?"

"You know I'm not," he said, giving me a knowing look, "Can we talk? Outside?"

I got up and followed him out into the hallway, "What is there to talk about." I said, slightly more hostile than I intended.

"I'm sorry."

I blinked, "What?"

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have called you out. Your relationship is your business, I had no right to judge you the way I did."

"Thank you." I leaned against the corridor wall, "So, what changed your mind?"

"Nothing changed my mind, Mia." Harry admitted, "I hate Malfoy, I hate that you're with him, but I can't stop you. We're adults, we can make our own decisions, I can't stop you, even if I think you're being stupid." He sighed, "I talked to him, just a few minutes ago, he told me that he meant everything I had overheard, and that he wasn't going anywhere. The funny part is, I think I actually believed him."

"Yeah, he's pretty convincing, when he wants to be." I smiled, thinking of the first time Draco asked me out, attempt one of five.

"Mia, I hate this."

"I didn't ask you to get involved." I pointed out.

"I know." Harry shook his head, "Did you really think I wouldn't get involved though?"

I sighed, "No, I was just trying to put it off. If you didn't know, then I didn't have to tell you that you're right."

"Come again? I'm right?" he laughed, "Did that really just come out of your mouth? Mia, are you dying?"

"Shut up, James." I laughed and rolled my eyes at my brother, "Are you sure you're gonna be fine, with this, I mean?"

Harry shrugged, "I'll get over it eventually, just as long as I don't have to kill him first."

"Hopefully it won't come to that." Draco stepped down the stairs outside of the Great Hall and joined us outside the door, "Thanks, Potter, I appreciate that you've decided to hold off on killing me." He extended his hand to Harry.

Harry looked at Draco's outstretched hand and sighed, "Since you're dating my sister, I think you can call me Harry." Harry shook Draco's hand as Draco released a sigh of relief.

"Maybe you should start calling me Draco." Draco joked.

Harry laughed, "Fair enough. So, how'd you like to come have dinner with us... Draco?"

I sent Harry a grateful look as Draco considered Harry's offer. He took my hand, "Lead the way, Chosen One."

Draco's POV

Amelia and I walked hand in hand behind Harry to the Gryffindor table. I could feel the eyes of every person in the hall watching as Amelia and I walked through the crowded dining hall, and sat with the Potter's friends.

As I sat on the bench, the silent hall erupted with chatter. Weasley's jaw dropped as Granger welcomed me to the table and shook my hand, as if we were meeting for the first time. Amelia held my hand under the table as the people around us passed judgement, but I didn't care. Everything I'd wanted for the last two years was coming true. I was with the girl I loved, in the only real home I'd ever known, and our relationship was no longer a secret, it was almost too good to be true.


"Thank you." I said, pulling Mia into a close embrace outside of the Gryffindor common room.

"For what?" she asked, pulling away ever so slightly.

"For telling your brother, and your friends. It means a lot."

Amelia smiled and pulled me into a deep kiss, her arms wrapping themselves around my neck, mine around her waist. She raised herself up on her toes to try and even out our height, which was almost humorous considering she was more than eight inches shorter than me, so I tightened my grip to keep her steady.

When we pulled apart, Mia re-positioned her arms around my waist and laid her head on my chest, "I love you."

"I love you, too."

The Other Potter (OC x Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now