Leadeu leadeu

14 1 0

Seungcheol was never one to turn down an opportunity to get a break. Of course, he was a hard worker but that was simply because his job demanded of it, along with his army of over-sized children but that was besides the point.

No moment was peaceful; whether it be Seungkwan, Seokmin and Soonyoung screaming (that was the most common one), Junhui and Minghao making questionable noises in a language Seungcheol had long since abandoned, Chan insisting on how he, in fact, did not deserve this disrespect - the little baby. Hansol simply being Hansol, some sort of singing practice in the background involving Jisoo and Jihoon...  The only quiet person at this point was Wonwoo who was just trying to read a book while trying to avoid the unwanted advances of affection from Mingyu. And of course mother Jeonghan. Seungcheol was never safe from his own personal wife who did not offer the entire goods of actually having a real wife. All he got was the scolding and the odd honor to touch his hair. Well, he couldn't do that anymore, seeing as his wife's lovely weave had been snatched. And God forbid anyone disturbed Jeonghan's beauty sleep, but papa Seungcheol was fair game - apparently.  

Their final concert was over, both a sense of relief and heart ache washing over him at the thought. At last they could rest, but then again the thrill of being on stage and making other's happy, hearing the chants of their name and meeting their beloved Carats was officially over until their next comeback - and there's only so many beats Jihoon can create in a short span of time. The little guy also needed a break. Perhaps it was all this stress that kept him at such a pocket perfect size. Everyone was exhausted, there was certainly no denying it. 

Now that Seungcheol thought about it, everyone needed a break. Everyone gave it their all, so much so that Minghao's back had been thrown out faster than Jisoo throws out the things he finds under Soonyoung's mattress. That shit was nasty - but irrelevant. A break is what they needed, and that's exactly what Seungcheol planned to get them. 


"Settle down," Seungcheol managed to bark over the chaos that was the dinner table. This volume was nothing rare, but when there was important news it was serious business. Briefly, the clatter stopped. The housewife - aka Mingyu - had even fallen still mid refill of his bowl for the god knows how many times by now, still wearing his "kiss the cook" apron with Bong Bong tucked into his breast pocket with care. Thankfully Soonyoung was also hushed with a final whine after a rather firm kick from Jihoon. Taking a deep breath, Seungcheol ran his eyes across the table before clasping his hands together in a clap (baksu). "So. We've all worked so hard. We've never been a better team. We've done so much for Carats, but it's about time we do something for ourselves. So I spoke with a few people... and arranged a holiday."

Was it not for the fact that Seungcheol had held back on the location, the table would have erupted. Noodles would have flown. Weaves other than Jeonghan's would have been snatched. Screaming would have commenced. Kermit8 would be chucked out the window and Bong Bong would be out after him. And yet now, he had their full and silent attention. Twelve pairs of eyes locked on his face like twelve babies getting keys jingled in front of them. "This time next week, we'll be in Hawaii."

As expected, the table erupted. This time, Seungcheol joined them. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2018 ⏰

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