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I can't believe I am back to square one.

After 10 years of living in sunny Los Angeles, I was back in my ghastly hometown-- Doncaster, England.

You're probably wondering how I got myself into this situation.

To spare you from confusion, let's just have a bit of a rewind. 

I guess the Merell Publishing House just wasn't having it today. To be quite honest, none of the 3 other publishing houses weren't having it today. 

As I sat there in my car on the empty parking lot of the publishing house, I pulled out my long list of potential publishers scribbled on the back of a receipt from last nights dinner. I scratched off it's name.

Merell Publishing House

It was the last one on the list.

"Oh, God." I groaned and rested my head on the steering wheel. 

I've been driving all around town for the past weeks, looking for a publishing house that would accept the drafts of the novel I worked my ass off for but all I would receive was either a phone call recommending other publishers or cold, dead silence.

After a moment of sulking (and maybe some tears), I forced myself to drive back to my apartment.  I silently prayed that George was still in work so I wouldn't have to put up with acting like everything was fine and dandy.

George popped the ring to me last month and before I knew it,  the wedding was set for July.  There was no way I was going to let him realize what a mess I was and regret proposing to a pathetic writer. 

Plus, the ring was gorgeous.

I was in front of the doorway to our apartment when I heard a loud thump from inside. 

My  initial instincts told me that this was a robbery in the making. I quickly took out the pepper spray from my messenger bag and slowly unlocked the door with my keys. My hands were trembling and I pretended to act brave as if there weren't tears in my eyes.

Just like every idiot in a horror movie, I called into the dark living room, "Hello?"

A few seconds later, George recklessly scurried down the stairs. I was shocked about two things:

1. He ended up slipping and landing on his butt.

2. He was only wearing boxers. (Which looked really hot on him, by the way.)

His ruffled blonde hair was all over his face and his cheeks were really pink. 

George looked like the type of guy you'd normally see carrying a surfboard and screams "Gnarly!" every second but he was the exact opposite. He really loves the indoors and never had any sports. 

He majored in Information Technology and his career kind of took off from there. He was able to discover new methods of coding and advanced web page widgets.  He even did a couple of Ted Talks and released his New York Times Bestseller book called "The Art Of Codes". 

The guy didn't even like books and he was able to make one before I did.

"George, what the hell has gotten into you?" I scolded as I helped him up, "Why are you wearing your boxers at half past three in the afternoon?"

"Oh, nothing babe," he said, still looking tense and jumpy, "Hey, did you know you are the most beautiful girl in the world?"

"What are you saying?" I asked, clueless and terrified of what's coming next.

"I figured a girl like you should be treated like a queen. I think we should spend some time together today, you know?" he was talking really fast but the words melted my heart.

I was taken aback by the sudden compliment and then, I was finally able to put the pieces together. 

"Jesus, George. Isn't it too early for doing this kind of thing? We agreed Friday nights only." I laughed, "Oh, what the hell? Let's do it. I'm just going to go to the loo real quick, then I'm all yours."

"But I was hoping that we could go out-" I cut him off.

"Nah, I'm too tired to go out anyway. I need the stress out of this body STAT." I proclaimed as I ran up the stairs and made my way to the bathroom.

I could hear George running up the stairs and following me. A little eager, isn't he?

"Don't go there Hayden-" I cut him off the second time.

"George, it's the least I can do. And it's a long day, I can't wait for you to put your-" This time, I cut myself off. 

When I opened the bathroom door, the last thing that I expected to see was a naked 10-foot-tall model with black hair in a bob cut and red lipstick smeared all over her face. She gave me a sheepish smile and covered the sisters with her arm for a brassiere. She looked vaguely familiar. 

This was all too much to process so all I managed to say was, "Y-you dick."

"Hayden... Don't panic. You get all jittery when you panic." George attempted to soothe me but the boiling blood inside me told me otherwise.

"Is this some sort of porn telegram or...?" My throat was severely dry.

"Oh yes, you know me then? I'm Penny Moore!" She held out her hand for a handshake, which was a mistake because her  exposed watermelons made my lemons draw back in shame.

Still gobsmacked and with eyes the size of a platter, I shook her hand and laughed humorlessly, "Oh yes, ha ha ha. I remember you from high school. All the boys loved you."

She must've missed my intentions because she gave me a big and toothy grin, "So happy to be of service."

Was this a joke?

I didn't want to look at anyone at this point and I felt a panic attack coming at any minute. But surprisingly, I managed to hold it in and to suck it up. I straightened up and stuck my nose up.

"You know what? In retrospect, this is like any other stupid Rom-Com and quite frankly, I'm fucking tired of it so let's just be direct now, shall we?" I turned to George, "At this point, you will be saying 'I can explain.' Well, no thanks, Einstein. You already have your porn telegram that sums up pretty much everything. I take that our wedding will be cancelled as well as the rest of our rent is paid-in full. I will be changing my Netflix password in a matter of days."

Finally, I turned to Penny, "Make sure that when you have sex with him, try to moan as much as you can when you orgasm."

"Why?" Penny asked.

"Because I've been faking it for 4 years."  I answered.

And with that, I left that goddamn apartment.


WHOOO! I don't want to jinx it by saying that I have a good feeling about this book but...

I have a good feeling about this book. 

Hopefully, you all would like this new story I've been planning for so long and will not get bored of it because you have no idea how much I missed writing.

Comment and vote to let me know.


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