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trigger warning: over dramatic hospital scene with made up things cause why not?

not edited

third person pov5 months prior

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third person pov
5 months prior

       the group of students stayed silent for a while till the once bright light in front of the glass doors turned off. a doctor emerged from the doors; taking off his green mask.

       "min hyerin's guardian?"

        yongsun raised her hand, "here."

        the doctor looked at her with eyes filled with remorse. he glanced back at the messed up kids sitting down on the ground and benches before opening his mouth, "i'm sorry but-"

the boys were running down the corridors, pausing where the rest were standing. yongsun tapped her foot while her face was filled with anxiety, "before the bad news i just want to know if she's fine right now? will she wake up?"

"she'll wake up soon," the doctor took a pregnant pause, "there's a chance that this surgery might not have helped her at all."

"what do you mean?" yoongi's voice was harsh but firm. seokjin kept his hand on top of his shoulder, it was a method he always used to help yoongi calm down.

the doctor made eye contact with yoongi and gave him a pitiful look that yoongi hated. he had always received those looks ever since he was younger when hyerin and his family would come to daily checkups for her. those faces that the nurses and doctors gave him, he just wanted to blur it out.

        "we aren't completely sure if she's fine at the moment, now if you'll excuse me," the doctor bowed and quickly walked past us to his next patient.

yoongi clenched his fists, he couldn't believe that his parents had the audacity not to come. deep inside he knew hyerin was hoping that she would see them when she woke up. he called them when he was outside with the boys, but all they said was, "you know we're busy and this isn't anything new yoongi."

       yejin was on the verge of collapsing on rina. the two of them felt awful and sick to their stomachs. here they were fighting with each other while their best friend was getting surgery. dasom internally yelled at herself for picking fights. she looked pathetic at times like this.

it only took hyerin an hour or so till she woke up. yoongi was the only one allowed to see her. he shut the sliding door firmly, taking his time to walk over to the bed. hyerin was looking down at her hands and picking at the scab on her palm.

       "where's mom and dad?" yoongi froze in his seat. he knew she would ask but he didn't think she would be so upfront about it.

       "they were here but left to grab something," he couldn't find himself to tell her that they didn't want to come. complicated thoughts were swarming through his head.

"i want to see them."

the loud noises coming from the intercom could be heard through the room. the room was an off white with random paintings that were supposedly there to calm people down. he shook his head at his sister, "no, not today."

       she abruptly started coughing, scaring yoongi in the process. he stood up and walked over to the brown counter at the side to grab water. he placed the cup on the table, pouring the water in.

       hyerin watched her brother with a small smile. although she was mad at him a few hours before, she couldn't find herself to hold the grudge against him and hoseok. she could also tell that her parents weren't here. yoongi's eyebrows always furrowed when he was lying. his shoulders were slumped as he turned around.


       she watched her brother pull out his phone. she took slow sips and titled her head to the left subconsciously. a petite figure on his home screen caught her eye. the girl had long brown hair with wavy curls. she had a beautiful smile and was dressed in a turtleneck and skirt.

       the girl was standing in front of a microphone. it looked like a studio, looking similar to yoongi's apartment studio that our parents bought for him. 16 year old yoongi complained to our parents for weeks; talking about how he couldn't focus on music at home.

"who's that?" she asked him, carefully trying not to press any of his buttons.

yoongi noticed hyerin staring at his phone and quickly turned it off. his eyebrows furrowed, "no one special."

she placed the water down on the side of my bed. his leg was bouncing up and down on the white hospital floor. he looked slightly put off, he didn't want her to ask any further questions.

"are you ever going to get back with chanmi?"

he paused as he thought about her. he remembered the fight he had with her when she spotted him on the street. when he yelled at her, telling her that they were over. but his thoughts and heart didn't want to be with her anymore. he was tired of her.

yoongi opened his mouth, "i—"

hyerin suddenly grabbed his hand. cradling his large hand in her petite and sickly ones, "just try talking to her, the yoongi i used to know was absolutely in love with her. what happened?"

you— was what yoongi wanted to say but he couldn't. he didn't want her to feel any worse than the way she felt now. truthfully, he had been so caught up in his sisters problems that he payed little attention to chanmi.

hyerin looked at him with her eyes wide. a soft pang tang through his heart, maybe he should just suck it up and get back with her. he looked down at his phone, rubbing the screen with his thumb. his thoughts were on her instead.

"okay, maybe, i was being a little unreasonable," he grimaced.

hyerin patted his back, "that's good, she was—."

"uhm, what do you want to do after you leave the hospital?" he changed the topic quickly.

a warm smile was hyerin's face, "a bunch of things, i actually made a list and hoseok helped me complete a few."

"i'll help with a few more."

the door suddenly opened and closed. yoongi's head turned to his left to see a nurse standing with a clipboard in her hands. she looked at the two of them, "visiting time is over."

"okay, i'll be right out," the nurse quietly left the room with no more words. yoongi stood up, patting his hands on his black jeans, "i'll see you later."

hyerin nodded and watched as yoongi walked towards the door. yoongi turned and looked at his sister one last time, "sleep tight."

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