This is Not a Time for Jokes, Declan......

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They hadn't had a show fall on April Fool's Day for many years - and they both knew that they just had to try and take advantage of it.

Unfortunately, the script that they had didn't really accommodate for putting in pranks and jokes - outside of the usual, anyway.

And besides - as Stephen had helpfully reminded them - you couldn't prank someone after midday on April first anyway, because it didn't count.

Not that that had ever stopped Ant and Dec before.....

But they agreed that there wasn't really a place for any pranks to be put into the show, and they both solemnly promised not to attempt to prank any of the crew or each other for the day.

Of course, Stephen was fair game - and the poor man ended up with baked beans in his shoes (inside a bag so they didn't damage the shoes), shorts switched out for a pair two sizes too small (which split hilariously the first time he'd tried to bend over), all his clothes removed from his dressing room before the dress rehearsal and the only replacement was a nightgown that said "Saucy Minx" across the chest line, and the good old fashioned bucket of water above the dressing room door.

Stephen was - thankfully - a very good sport about their pranks, and often laughed right along with them, congratulating them on the ingenuity of some of them. They'd tease each other mercilessly and he'd always threaten to get them back, but he never did - and the boys knew it. That was what made him such a good target - he could take it well and always saw the funny side.

Even still, Ant was a little wary throughout the day after they pulled their last prank on Stephen, as if expecting revenge to be crouched down behind a row of seats in the audience; waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

And then there was his best friend.

Normally, when Dec was quiet and reserved - like he was now - he was usually plotting something, or overthinking a tiny little thing inside his head. Either way, it usually spelled trouble.

In a way, Ant was right about that - just not quite in the way he would ever have expected.


The day passed rather quickly, with the boys running around completing last minute script edits and rehearsals, gossiping between them and Stephen about that night's Ant vs Dec (which they had no idea about, although Stephen was looking rather smug), and going over their individual scripts.

Throughout it all, Dec was still much quieter than normal, and Ant wasn't sure he liked what was probably going through his head.

So, he pulled him aside as they headed off to get dressed for the show, and put a hand each on his shoulders, staring him down.

"Okay, spit it out" he whispered, waiting for one of the producers to walk past them on her way to the gallery.

Dec frowned up at him, looking rather tired and pale.

"What are you going on about?" he replied, giving a tiny shake of his head.

Ant's eyes narrowed suspiciously - his friend wasn't going to get away that easily.

"Whatever you're planning in that evil little head of your's. Remember, no pranks tonight? Or did you forget that rule already?"

Biting his lip, Dec tried to hide a sigh - this was the last thing he needed.

"I'm not planning anything Anth, I swear" he assured, trying to dodge past and keep walking.

Ant made to grab his arm and pull him back - he wasn't quite finished.

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