Chapter nine

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Seongwoo nervously taps his foot against the concrete. His hands are at his sides, but he can't stop fidgeting. He picked out a simple white sweater with a pair of black pants to wear.

He waits until he spots Sia coming out of Sora's trailer. "Sia." He reaches out and tugs on her arm to gather her attention.

"I have to hurry, Sora is angry today-"

"I don't care about that, why did you text me to meet you. Did you set that up?" Seongwoo is furious.

"No way. I would never try to set you guys up." She says with a sarcastic tone.

"Siaaa." He is obviously frustrated.

"Anyways like I said, Sora's in a bad mood. I don't know what happened but I have to get her some coffee." She waves then walks away.

"Wait!" He tries to stop her but it's no use. Seongwoo scratches his neck out of irritation.

He sees Daniel come out of his trailer for his next scene. He is dressed up in a black sweater with a white coat over it signalling that the next scene is outside.

Seongwoo tries to act casual by leaning up against the wall behind him. Sora exits her trailer next and begins to walk over to him. He turns the other way quickly.

Daniel makes his way past Seongwoo, Seongwoo gives him a small wave and smile but Daniel ignores him. Seongwoo is slightly taken aback by his coldness but he knows he is the reason for it.

Seongwoo feels an arm grapple around his bicep. He looks down at a smiling Sora; definitely not in the mood to deal with her.

He tries to remove himself her hold but her grip is to strong. "Look, yesterday...I made have said some things that are very forward and I don't normally give second chances but-"

"I don't like you." Seongwoo interrupts. He shows his assertiveness with his eyes. He then pulls himself from her hold and walks away.

He didn't realize how loud he said it, it gathers the attention of everyone around them, including Daniel. He looks up and makes eye contact with Daniel but looks down in embarrassment.

"Who is their right mind would ever deny Park Sora," he thinks to himself.

"I..." He begins to speak but he can't spit the words out. He turns to his right and walks away quickly.

"I can't believe..." Sora scoffs. "What am I? Not good enough!" She directs her anger at Daniel who rejected her before Seongwoo did.

"I didn't do anything." Daniel gives a puzzled look. The tip of his nose is red because of the cold weather.

Sora lets out a scream of frustration. "Just watch, he'll get what's coming to him." Sora spins on her heal and heads back into her trailer and she slams the door behind her.

"What happened?" Sia returns back onto set, completely confused.

"Seongwoo yelled that he doesn't like her, it was really loud." One of the stylists on set leans over and whispers to her.

"Oh shit." Sia looks over her shoulder and sees Daniel. He looks like he's contemplating something. Before she can ask, Daniel hands his coffee to someone and takes off after Seongwoo.

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