Chapter 8

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Kourtney POV:

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I pulled his hands from around my neck as his tan skin turned a deep red and he clenched his fist.

"What has made you change your mind Kourtney? You are going to have this baby." He walked to my bathroom and pushed the door open walking in and turning the water on.

"Says who?" I followed after him as he cupped his hands together and dipped them under the water throwing water on his face. He ignored me and sat up grabbing a towel and drying his face off. I tilted my head and cleared my voice before repeating what I had just said to him. He still ignored me as he put his contacts in.

He turned as he threw the towel over his shoulder and pushed me out of the way. "Says me." He turned and glanced at me before turning back. I walked over to him and stared in his face.

"This is my life and you will not be telling me how to live it no matter how big and bad you may think you are." He stopped doing whatever he was doing and turned slowly towards me. He smirked and walked slowly towards me before stopping inches away.

"Listen to me Kourtney. You may think you know me but you do not sweet heart. I will kill you before you can even blink." He came closer with every word, and when he was so close that I could make out the tiny red and pink veins in his beautiful eyes I pushed him away.

"You won't touch me." He sat there with a smirk on his face and he pushed air through his nose as if he thought something was funny.

"Sweetheart.. Save your life while you can because if you keep going at the rate you are your going to be dead." He sat down onto my bed with his shirt in his hand. "And I really don't have a problem with killing anyone right now." He winked at me and pulled his shirt over his head.

"Ugh. Go fuck yourself Cristiano." I turned my back and walked out the door while he sat and chuckled.

30 minutes later*

"Yes girl he is crazy as hell! He thinks he can just come in my life and run it. Ha, he got me fucked up!"

"Who are you talking?" I turned and looked at Cristiano as he stood behind me looking sexy ever.

I rolled my eyes and turned back around. "None of your buisiness." I began talking again as he walked to my side and stood looking down.

"Kourtney, I'm going to ask you again who the fuck are you talking to." He came closer as the veins in his neck popped out. I was sat there looking up at him not knowing what to say. He snatched the phone out of my hand walked away with it without looking back once as I followed him.

Cristiano POV:

I grabbed the phone out of Kourtney's hand because she was pissing me off and I got fed up with her attitude towards me.

"Who is this?"

"The question is who are you and where the hell is Kourtney."

"Listen to me and listen good. You do not know who I am but I know who you are. Your playing with you and Kourtney's life by calling her. Do not call again because I will find you and kill you and no one would even notice you were gone. Goodbye Rylee." I hung the phone up as I threw the phone and ran my fingers through my hair in frustration.

"Ugh. This girl is gonna be the death of me." I turned to walk back to the living room to tell Kourtney we were leaving. She was right there watching me with tears in her eyes.

"What's wrong with you?" She backed away as I walked closer. "Who are you?"

"What do you mean 'What's wrong with me'. There is nothing wrong with me Kourtney." She closed her eyes and shook her head.

"I just came to your office to get a job to take care of myself and get my life back on track and your just ruining it."

"Kourtney you don't know what your saying. Liste-"

"No you listen. I hate you Cristiano. I hate you with all the hate I can hate with." I furrowed my brows in confusion. All the hate she can hate with? "You ruin everything and you mess up peoples lives. You threaten my friends and tell me I can't talk to anyone I'm close to? You may have fucked your life up but that doesn't give you the right to fuvk mine up. Please just go and don't come back. Oh and by the way I saw you murder you fiance."

Tears were streaming down her face as she turned and ran to her room shutting the door and locking it.

She saw me kill her.....

I walked to her bedroom door expecting to here her crying, but it was silent.

"Kourtney, are you in there? Kourtney?"


I kicked the door down with a feeling in my gut that she had left.

Kourtney POV:

I grabbed all of my clothes and threw them in my suitcase. I grabbed everything I could knowing that in a few moments Cristiano would come looking for me.

I grabbed my purse and threw things in there that I would need. I put my hair in a tight ponytail and changed to some shorts and a tank top with my converse.

I grabbed all of my things and ran to the window as I undid the locks and lifted the sill of the window. I looked back at the place I once called home as tears streamed down my face. I turned back towards the window ready to climb out when I head Cristiano. Panic filled my body and I crawled through the window as quietly as I could and shut it. I climbed down the fire escape as slowly as I could so I wouldn't fall and break my neck into tiny pieces.... Don't judge me I'm afraid of heights.

I lived on the third floor so I had a ways to go. I went quietly and quickly until I head something that sounded as if someone had broken something large. I stopped as my heart beat at a fast rate and looked towards my apartment only to be staring at the last eyes I thought I would see..........

Hey guys!! I'm so sorry it's been a while but I promise I will start updating again! Thank you for all the support and votes and comments btw😘😘😘😘

Love u guys!💕

Xoxox, Iyana🐣

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