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Maybe they're something you did in the past causing something bad
Maybe they're something you'll do in the future
Or maybe that voice took over
I told you, I'm you're ruler now
This might make you cry but
I'm not even gunna try!
All this shiz makes my heart so dry
I even started to lie
Lying about being ok
Lying in the same way
Over and over
Every single day
I've started to hope and pray
That it will all be ok
I know it won't end today
It will never end
It's driving me insane!
I'm getting beat at my own game!
Things will never be the same
Layla's back at perry
And all this seems so scary
I might even go dark
Unless I find a spark
A spark that gives me life again
A spark to give peace
(Maybe even a Reese)
I'm not who I used to be
She was perky fun and sweet
Alaya no that's not your fault
It's something with my heart
Somethings left this big huge scar
But I don't know what

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