Chapter 1- Part 2

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Chapter 1-Part 2: The Lady in Pink Underwear

"What!" I blurted out back at my brother.

"You can't let the lady standing there half dress, it's doing things to my sexual ego man" said Blade

"Then get out" I shouted

"Sorry Doctor, I won't send your blood pressure up" he said with a smirk and walk out after glancing over that the woman.

"I want to go and put on some clothes sir" she said

"No I say to stay right there till my father gets here" he said

"You’re not my father, so you can't tell me what to do" she said staring at him

"Well I want to put things in order first" he said

"Well what kind of man are you to have a woman standing in your distasteful kitchen with your brothers staring at her and then your parents, you got no ambition" she said and storm out

"She's a feisty one" said

"Shut up" I said and walk out into the hallway.

I can't believe my father would do such thing. I know how much he wanted to see my brothers I settle down and get married and bring mother grandchildren. But why can't they see that were not ready to have a woman buckling us down at home. A moment later my front door was burst open to see my father and mother smiling away. Same time she came down stairs. With my brothers behind me.

"Hey son, your back" said my mother grabbing me into a big hug. I slightly hug her back

"Hey My doc, what's up with the sturdy phone call" said my father smiling

"Hey Akeliah" said my mother walking over to hug her.

"So what did my baby do to you?" she asked

"Nothing much, than walk in on me" she said eyeing me while hugging my mother.

“He walk in on her with underwear....she' some hot babe" said Blade

"You better keep your hands to yourself" she said

"I'll try" said blade with a smirk

"Enough with the decorating and small talks ....... I want to know why she's in my house" i said

"She's has nowhere to go, her............... I mean she's studying to become a doctor and the boarding school is full and i have seen her grades and application she's a well dedicated worker and has a passion for caring about people just like you"

"How does that give you the right to put her in my house, why couldn't she stay at your house" i said crossing my hands across my chest

"Your house is closer to the hospital you work which she will be volunteering at and going to school in day and to work at the cafe in the evening to pay her tuition fee. We offer to pay her tuition but she wouldn't she said she want to do it herself, she's a woman with a mind of her own, plus we like her" said my father smiling at her.

"But that's invading my privacy" I shouted

"No, She will be here until she finishes her course and have enough money to buy an apartment" he said

"Come on honey, I know she won't invade your space, she'll stay far out of your sight right Akeliah?" she said turning to look at Akeliah standing on the stairs.

"Yes Ms. Anderson" she said

"Isn't she a charmer?" asked my dad

"Yea, but she got some feisty pipes" said Jenkins walking up to her

"Don't come too close" she said

"See" He said with a smirk

"You got to be kidding me, What if I want some woman in for a night, and they are going to think I’m married for god sake" I said

"Honey, Just bare with it for a few months" said my mother

"Poor you “said Jenkins

"I wouldn't mind her in my house" said Blade winking at her

"Go do yourself Blade I'm not your type" she said

"Calm down sweetie, that’s just Blade" said my mother

"No this is what I’m going haw to live with?" I said stretching my hand towards her and my father phone rings and he answered.

"Ok we got to go, I'm sure you two will come around" said my father

"Boys you’re coming with me"

"But  ...'

"No But Blade, leave Oneil to get acquainted with his new tenant" said my father as I watch Jenkins walk out.

"If Neil, if things don't work out, sends her over to me" he said hitting me in the chest.

"Honey, Just breathe, She's a nice woman" said my mom kissing my cheek and hugged me.

"Yea we see you two at dinner, and Oneil, she's diving in your car"

"Mr. Anderson..."

"No sweetie let him bring you, so you'll be able to save some gas sweetie" he said

"Ok" she said looking at me in disgust.

"Ok see you both later" said mom walking out

"Behave you" said my dad as he walks out smiling a closing the door. I glance at Akeliah and she just walk off to the living room.

"You got to be kidding me" I muttered under my breath.

I need a beer. I thought walking to the kitchen.

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