Chapter 5

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A swift kick landed on her stomach , making her jerk back in pain.
"Where is Micro?" Her captor yelled at her while two of the goons had her pinned to the ground.
She stood there by the side watching all this with amusement.
her eyes were filled with malice .
She raised her hand making the goons stop hitting the poor eighteen year old, who was barely alive from all the punches she had suffered.
Moving towards her she knelt down .

She held the teens thick hair and pulled it hard making her look up.
"Look darling, you can either tell me or you can die" She snarled ,pulling harder making her captive whimper in pain.

"Fuck you!" She yelled even through pain.
"Fuck you all , wait till Micro finds out! You are all dead motherfuckers" she spat .
This was amusing and all but she had a high end job to take care of.
Rolling her eyes at the idiot she slammed her head on the asphalt again and again , this was getting tiresome she had to find a good income some day.

Chewing on her gum she stood up and dusted her hands on her leather jacket.
"Finish her up" she sighed , collateral damage in her line of work , she had to suffer these idiots every day.
She walked to her Harley and looked back at the poor idiot who was lying on the ground as her trusted muscles kicked her ass to seventh heaven.

She pulled out her cell phone smirking at her split knuckles. fuck this shit, she was retiring , she was done with this .
She dialed the number.
"Bronco! Need a clean up at fifth avenue ASAP" she ordered looking at her nails , damn they had to be redone .
How long until she found Micro huh..
Because she would , and when she did, lord help her sorry ass.


This was the dark side of the Great Newyork.
She had not been a stranger to this part of it.
She was born and brought up. More like trained by a sadistic bitch , to kill without remorse , and she had leant how to eat without remorse all by herself.

She had to get out of this alley as soon as she could , she would not want to be caught by Micro's goons.
That bitch was crazy , she would pull her arms right out of her socket and not break a sweat, she knew that because she had seen it.

The last encounter with that level of crazy had not ended well. It was going really well until her damn stomach had inturrupted her. She still regretted the amount of tacos she had that day.
Mahn Micro's toiled had not been spared.

Finally the sweet sound of the Harley brought her back from her thoughts. Boss was here now she would have to grovel a little.
"Come on out bitch" she heard the boss say calmly like always , why did she have to be so calm all the time? unnerved her.
She got out of the alley , keeping to the shadows till she reached the Boss and as she was approaching she put on her ski mask .
"Leslie Winkls ,You took your sweet time huh?" She stated , looking greedily at the bike. One day she would kidnapp that bike and marry it , That baby was hott.

"Did you run out of gas?" She smirked because she was the one who had stolen it , she had her methods and what better way to annoy the Boss.
"I knew it you little..." She snarled glaring in the direction of her voice .
This was fun , she felt her lips pull into a smirk as she jumped up onto the wooden crates , safely in the shadows.
"Stop being so cranky, Momma will get you cookies" she chuckled leaning back and making herself comfortable , "Oops she won't ", she broke out into a laugh she knew would annoy the heck out of her employer.
"Tell me what it is now?"

"I'm looking forward to the day I get my hands on you " She heard the Boss, more like felt her gritting her teeth and smiled.
"You have to keep looking babe " she said scowling at the thin girl who was set to rule the world , too bad she would die of malnutrition before that.

She shook her head, how had she become the Boss?..she always wondered that whenever she saw the teen girl covered with tattoos , ready to take on the world at a moments notice.
Sighing she took the envelop and flicked it in her direction.

"Here , the information . Now fuck off before you annoy me , I have a new .38 whick i just nicked from the governor general" she said standing up "It would be a pleasure for him to kill road scum like you , and I'm more than ready to help him"
Without waiting for the reply she swung on the railing and disappeared on the side of the building leaving the Boss fuming .

Two new characters in one chapter , there are so many more to come...

Keep up you patience and I will give you a cool story!...

Vote and comment if you want to live.
Or am I??

Till then , eat ice cream and watch crappy movies!...
Just like me!...xD..

Love you!!❤❤

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