On the day Dec 5th Oscar the cat was eating KFT(Kuntucky Fried Tuna) while watching Sesame street when he noticed he was named after Oscar the grouch, Oscar now wanted to become a ninja cat to follow his father aka Osruto the 4th Catkage. Oscar traveled to a Catate Dogo to learn Catate which is the first disapline of Cakarate. After 3 years of training in catate Oscar has became a black belt and is going to his first tournament in a couple mounths. At Oscars last Catate Class before the tournament Oscar tests for 10th Degree Catate Black belt. Judges "Oscar in this test there will be breaking of 5 boards and a slice test to see if you can cut threw a watermelon, are you up for the test Oscar." Oscar "Yes im ready"
The Masters bring in the 5 boards oscar must break 5 boards in half all at once. Oscar "Ok boards im gonna end you (Inhales) HAAAA" BOOM all 5 boards break like little chopsticks being snapped. Oscar "Yes i passed the first thing now i must slice a watermelon in half with my claws" The Masters bring the almighty watermelon out and place it on a plastic table. Oscar "Ok Masters once i do this i challenge the best one out of you to a full out sparring match" SHRIEK The watermelon instantly slices into 2 perfect halves. Supreme Master "Ok Oscar i agree to your sparring request" Oscar "Good we shall spar" Oscar and the Supreme Master fist bump and the spar starts. BANG a huge kick from Oscar to the Masters face The Master gets up and Oscar performs a Jab Cross Roundhouse kick combo on him but the Master dodges the jab and the cross and counters the kick with a huge palm strike to the ribs Oscar come backs with a succesful front kick to the torso The Master retaliates with a Kick side kick jab cross jab cross attack but Oscar luckly dodges it all and hits The Master with a huge roundhouse kick to the left of the head and wins by knockout. Oscar is now the best at the dogo and is gonna stay there for 8 months and 2 weeks to train other Cats to become strong then Oscar will train in the dicipline Pawingjustsu the second step of Cakarate.... To be continued