Chapter 1

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"This is a very bad idea." Rowan exclaimed for the tenth time in five minutes.

"Shut up!" Zack and Autumn hushed him in unison.

Rowan was always the paranoid one in the group, at least that's what his friends called it, but he thought of himself as careful.

The old wood floors creaked as they stepped slowly down the mansions vast and labyrinth-like corridors.

"Seriously though guys, did you ever even stop to think about this? We're breaking into someones house right now, and for what? An adventure?"

"Yes, finally you get it!" Zack cried sarcastically. "And, by the way man, no one lives here anymore, this place has been abandoned for ages, talk of the town is that it's haunted too!"

"Well that's comforting."

As they continued down the rickety halls, they came upon a small bedroom with a small and completely rusted bed frame with the remnants of a shredded mattress all over the floor.

They continued on out of the bedroom and into a new hallway. As they walked, Rowan became increasing worried and happened upon a strange door, it was old and rotten through, but the shiny brass door knob still shone gold in the beam of their flashlights.

Autumn reached out, taking hold of the knob and pulling hard, it didn't budge. "It's stuck." she said.

"Maybe you're just not strong enough!" Zack jests as he takes hold of the brass doorknob and pulls with all his might. Nothing happens.

"Maybe this is a sign that we should just go back now?" Rowan tried.

"Maybe all three of us should try?" Autumn suggested completely ignoring Rowan.

Zack agreed and takes hold of the knob, Autumn grabbed hold of his waist and Rowan resentfully complies. The three friends pulled with all of their strength and the old rotten door creaked and moaned until finally, the door knob broke apart from the door.

All three of them fell backwards from the sudden release and stumbled to get up as Zack drops the door knob on the floor, "Well, that didn't work. C'mon let's just keep going!"

They continued to the end of the long hallway and rounded a corner to see a large dining room. It housed a long and intricate table down the center of the room, with at least a dozen chairs lining each side.

There were still plates, silverware and cloths placed and folded fancily in front of every chair, which was an extremely strange and eerie sight in such an old and abandoned place.

Hanging high above the table was a large chandelier with many candles, all of them were burned out making their flashlights the only source of lighting in the large room.

Suddenly, Zack's flashlight flickered and went out. He clicked the button a flew times and nothing happened. "It's dead. At least we all brought flashlights I guess."

Then, Autumn's flashlight did the same as Zack's, flickered a few times and died.

"Now can we go?" Rowan said now panicking.

"Yeah let's get out of here." Zack said with no argument from Autumn, who looked as scared as Rowan.

As they turned to leave, a bone chilling scream rang out from somewhere behind them. All three burst into an adrenaline filled sprint, running back down the hallway with almost no light as Rowan's dim flashlight shook up and down ahead of them as they ran.

The door that had once refused to open was now swung wide open. In the heat of the moment filled with fear Rowan ran through the doorway and his friends followed. Immediately after they made it through, the door swung shut leaving them in a small room.

Rowan pushed on the door and slammed his fists against it yelling for help.

"Uhhhhh Rowan? Look behind you." Autumn said.

Turning around, Rowan saw it, a purple orb was in the sitting in the far corner, quickly, it began to grow and expand until it had all three friends pinned in the corner all too terrified to say anything.

Rowan clamped his eyes shut tight, as the purple ball of energy enveloped them and all of reality cut to blackness, leaving them in nothingness.

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