Broken up on the subway

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Maya and Lucas were sitting on the subway not talking to each other, just sitting, with a wide amount of space between them

They had an argument just before they got on the subway, now normally they would be mad at each other for about 15 minutes max, but this was no normal fight

They had been fighting about Lucas and the bull he was planning to ride

And being the idiot he was Lucas waited until they day before to tell Maya that first of all he was going back to Texas for a week and second of all that while he was their he would ride a bull

Maya being the strong girl she was, totally freaked out and forbid him from doing

Now I don't know about you but if you were forbid to do something wouldn't you want to do that thing even more

That is exactly what Lucas had said. His exact words were 'you can't forbid me, your just my girlfriend, you don't exactly have a say in what I do ' and Maya replied with ' Yeah I'm just your girlfriend, I don't have a say at all, I don't care if you get hurt or not '

And thus began every little hurtful word they could think of being said to each other

Anyways so now they were on the subway, not speaking to each other, not even looking at each other

"How could you not tell me" Maya said breaking the silence

"I didn't want you to worry okay" he answered

"I'm still worried your my boyfriend and you couldn't think to tell me you were possibly gonna die while on a trip you didn't tell me about" she ranted

"Look, I love you, I do but I am going to ride that bull no matter what you say or do" he scowled

"You really don't care what I have to say" she asked quietly

"No I don't, because I know your just gonna tried talking me out of it and I have to do it"

"Why, why do you have to do it" she said moving further away from him

"I have to do it to make my grandfather proud"

"So your telling me that if you don't ride that bull you'll be a failure in your grandfather's eyes" she frowned


"Well then you have a messed up family, if putting your life at risk just so they can be proud" she scoffed

"You really should talk last about messed up families"

Maya went silent

"Maya I didn't, I didn't mean it like that"

"I know I'm broken and have a messed up family but I don't like to hear it, especially from someone who's suppose to care for me" she looked down

"It's not what meant Maya" lucks sighed

There was silence once again

"I think we should break up" My said not looking up from her hands

"Wh-what" lucas asked

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