Hobbies: writing,listening music,sketching,tekua ndo,soccer,Runner,playing piano and violin
Favoritefood's: Japanese style food's, Cake,
Favoritecolor:blue,pink,white,maroon,light blue
Family: Sakuma jirou (Father) Sakuma/ichirouta Yukimaru(twin brother) Unnamed step mother(deceased) Miyazaki Kagami (real mother) (sorry ifIdidn'tputthischaracter... Iwasjustdecidingtoputit....so..... ThischaracterisTsundere'sRealmother,andtheunknownmotherofTsunderewasherstepmother...) Ichirouta kazemaru(stepfather/second father)(Well i know that was Unfair that kazemaru was her second father in this story,well anyway)
Keshin(Avatar): Umi no kami,jaisa (god of the ocean,Jaisa)
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(DF) (Oceanguard's defence) While Tsundere standing on her position,she put her two hands on her chest and the white comes out of her body,putting her right hand through the sky,she summoned five water aura guard's infront of her and defences where the ball attacked
(MF) (EmperorpenguinNo.2) While Tsundere stop running the two person we're running,as she whistle there was five penguins infront of her,as she kicked the ball the penguins comes to the ball,and the two person kick the ball,the five penguins separated as they attacked.
(DF) (heavenswords) While the enemy kicked the ball,she runs where the direction where the ball attack,she jump high and there was a white aura and summon the three swords,as she kick the ball,the three sword defenced to stopping the ball
(Keshin)(Deeb sea) While Tsundere summon her keshin she armed and there was a blue aura surrounding the ball,as she kicked the ball the blue aura there was a five crystal water so rounded on the ball,and it has an twister wind that he/she will fly away