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i stared at him with an emotionless expression for good 20 seconds until i came back to my senses seeing his hand waving in front of my face.
'a-ah right.. i'm kim y/n' was the last thing before the teacher yelled at us to finally come in and so we did and sat down. my heart was beating like it would jump out of my chest any second, all i could wonder about was if he recognized me and i was scared, very scared.

yoongis pov

kim y/n?! my kim y/n?
is it really her? it can't be...
this girl looks and acts completely different from the y/n i used to know. should i just ask her? asking a simple question won't hurt, right?

what am i even thinking, it's ridiculous, stop thinking about y/n or else you won't ever forget her yoongi. it can't possibly be her, there's no use in asking. get her out of your head once and for all.

y/n's pov

so it seems like yoongi didn't identify me and i also don't plan on telling him. i'm done with all the years i got bullied, i wanted to have a new, fresh start and forget everything and i'm not letting anyone ruin that.

'are you free today?' yoongi asked and i nodded. 'so are we friends now?' i said laughing quietly and lightly punched his arm watching him giggle as well. the bell rung and he shoved a small piece of paper onto my desk before standing up and leaving.
i sighed in relieve as school was finally over, wondering why yoongi left so quick and that's when i spotted the small note on my desk, taking it and unfolding it.

0 3609 2581471
call me -yoongi

it said with a messy handwriting, the message causing me to blush a little.
'that idiot' i smiled to myself standing up to make my way home.
i put my earbuds in, clicking play before i pull the piece of paper out of my pocket to type the number in.


and i thought you
wouldn't message me


walking home wbu


so you wanna hang later?

we know each other
for barely a day ahahaha

except you get me ice
cream then i'll think
about it c;

alright meet me
at the park at 3


taking my earbuds out and opening the door to my house, i walk in.
'i'm home' i call out and hear my mom greeting and telling me that she and my dad are leaving in a bit. 'dinner is in the fridge..!'
after having lunch i look at the time realizing i should start to get ready soon.
i walk in my room choosing what to wear before i take a quick shower.
i get out of the shower, apply a little makeup on and walk back to my room, drying my hair and putting on the outfit i selected before.
i look at myself one last time in my mirror, feeling a little excitement because it has been a while since i last hung out with a boy.

i have my purse, my phone and my keys and am ready to go.
taking a deep breath i walk out closing the door behind me.
after arriving at the park i sit down on the bench waiting for yoongi.
i looked up when i saw two feet before me and stood up.

you know those really awkward moments when you don't know whether to hug someone or just give a high-five? yea.. that happened causing us both to burst out in laughter and ending up to hug. thanks to the difference in our height, i could hear his heart beating.

'you look pretty' he grinned a little.
'i know, you don't need to tell me'
i said with sass, doing a hairflip. 'you're not bad either i guess' i added snickering. 'not bad? that's it? that's all i get after forcing a compliment?' we laughed and he started to walk. yoongi actually looked really good i just didn't want to say it tehehe.
the park was pretty, lots of flowers and people and the sun was shining too. we walked a little in silence until i spotted an ice cream truck and right away took yoongis hand, running to it. 'you promised me ice cream, remember?' i laughed evilly, stopping in front of the truck and ordering us both ice cream, i thanked yoongi for paying before starting to lick my ice cream. 'you seem to like ice cream, must note that down' he laughed quietly. we chit-chatted as if we knew each other for lifetime, which we actually do but he doesn't know.
usually i'm not a person that socializes a lot but with yoongi everything was so easy.

'somehow i feel really easy-going with you y/n' he said. seems like he feels the same about me.
'it's like talking to someone i know longer than just a day.'
i listened to his words while stuffing the ice cream in me and i knew he was watching when he started to laugh.
'hey, look over there' he pointed somewhere before standing up and the idiot i am i just followed him, of course without realizing where we were going.
next thing i saw was yoongi kneeling down in a sand box and i gulped.
with a nervous grin on my face i sat down as well. this is dangerous, if i do anything that reminds him of kim
y/n from back then he will surely recognize me since we used to play in sand boxes almost every day. i need to be extremely careful. i can feel my palms getting sweaty, my heart starting to beat faster and my nervousness increasing. 'y/n you okay?' yoongi asked as he noticed and i nodded. you can do this, just play with the sand and try to hide it for now, not a big deal right? wait who am i kidding, it is a big deal..
girl you need to relax you're just making it more obvious, i thought clenching my theeth.

yoongi's pov

y/n makes her nervousness easily noticeable for me, of course i can tell that something is absolutely wrong with her right now but why would she get nervous by a simple sand box?
what the hell do i do now to calm her down?
if i think about it, it's kind of cute.. she avoids eye contact and keeps her head down looking at her hands that are pressing the sand in them making her hands a little red and irritated. the bottom lip is trembling too.. woah, i just noticed how beautiful her lips are.

y/n's pov

and the next thing i was aware of were yoongis lips on mine. how did that even happen? but more importantly, why do i let it happen and don't stop it? why do i not mind it at all?

he pulled away and looked at me, only a few inches separating us.
'did that help make your nervousness go away?' he questioned and i replied
'i think that made it worse'
there was a short silence. 'is that a good or bad thing?'
'it's a good thing.. i think' i said and he chuckled looking at me with his suga sweet smile.

the boy with the suga sweet smileWhere stories live. Discover now