Second time meeting

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A few days later you're sitting inside a cafe,looking out of the window. You're completely lost in your thoughts,when you suddenly hear a voice. "Well,if that isn't my stalker! Hey,mind if I take a seat across from you? There's not a single free table,un." The person chuckles. You look up and start blushing. It's the blonde again. You just nod and so he sits down,smiling at you. "Hey,how did your drawing from last time turn out? I'm curious,hm." The blush deepens as you take out your sketchbook and show the finished drawing to him. He gasps. "It's truly amazing. I'm actually glad my partner noticed you. That way I got to see this awesome drawing of yours,hn." He laughs and then looks at you,smiling. Now that you have a good look at him you notice,that you were able to remember him really good when you finished the drawing at home, it's actually quite creepy how much his features still remained in your memory.

"My name is Deidara,just in case you wanted to know,hm." You shyly smile back. "I'm (y/n)... In case you wanted to know too." He laughs. "Of course. The whole world needs to know the name of such an amazing artist,un!" The way he talks about your art leaves you wondering about something. "Hey... Are you an artist too?" You ask. He nods proudly. Your eyes widen. "Can you show some of your artwork to me too?" You add. His cheeks turn a light shade of pink. "If you really want to... How could I possibly say no? But... I can't show it to you here. Do you want to go outside with me later? Then I'll show it to you,I promise,hm!" You nod and after you both have finished your coffee,the two of you leave.

After a while of walking around he stops at a place with only few people around. "Are you ready?" Deidara asks,smiling at you. "Sure I am. Show me your art!" He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a little clay bat. You look at it,then back at him. "That's amazing! It's so cute!" "Oh,wait! That's not even close to what I wanted to show you,hn!" He chuckles,then throws the clay figure up in the air,puts his hands together and while he screams a loud "Katsu!" the bat explodes. Deidara turns at you with a wide smile. "See? Isn't it beautiful,hm?" You nod,a little confused. As Deidara notices your confusion,his smile turns into a frown. "You don't like it..." Your eyes widen. "No,Deidara,wait! I love your art! Really,it's so different... In a good way!" He chuckles and smiles again. "You know... In my opinion,true art only lasts for a moment. Art is an explosion! But... Nobody really understands me..." He sighs. You look at him for a while,then smile.

"I think I understand you. I mean... The moment you see it,the beauty of art hits you like an explosion. Afterwards it's just a piece of art,maybe it's still beautiful,but you're not as flashed anymore." He looks at you and smiles. "That's close enough to what I think. At least you try to understand me. I appreciate that!" You're really glad you managed to make him happy. Deidara really is an interesting person.


A week later you're out with one of your friends again. While she keeps talking about her new boyfriend,you look around,being a little bored and only halfway listening to her,nodding once in a while. You don't like the guy she's talking about,but you could never tell her that. Maybe it's because of you after all. You often find yourself wondering if you're even really able to experience love. Maybe then you could comprehend what she's seeing in him. You snap out of your thoughts as your friend suddenly stops walking. She grins at you. "Isn't that the guy you were flirting with last time?" She points into his direction and you immediately see who she's talking about,making you blush. "We weren't flirting..." You mumble. "Yeah,yeah,whatever." She laughs,then starts walking up to him. "Wait,what are you doing?" You scream, following behind her.

"Hey. (Y/n) over there has got a huge crush on you,but she's to shy to go and talk to you." Your friend tells him. He looks at her,then at you,sighs and just nods,having the same blank expression as last time. You get beside your friend,blushing. "It's not true,sorry she bothered you,just forget about that." Then you look at your friend,whispering. "He probably doesn't even remember who I am,so cut it out!" He blinks. "I do recognize you. You're the girl from the crafting shop." The guy then states. Your blush deepens,knowing that he remembers you. At the same time you're wondering why you even care about it. "(Y/n),huh? A nice name." "Uh... T-thank you." You say,while you realize that by now your face probably matches his hair.

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