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❧           Another day, another stupid car ride. You loved the fact that you had just got your liscence, you could go anywhere; to the park, mall, movies….. but that also meant you had to drive your younger sister to dance. Every. Single. Day after school. It was annoying to say the least, you loved her, but you hated that her studio was more than 60 minutes away.
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 The first week was miserable, but you eventually got used to it. At least your mom was paying for the gas money. The second week, (thanks to Google Maps) you had found a nice coffee house close enough where you could walk and get most of your school work done. Although it was very small, it had a nice, cozy feel to it. Not to mention the workers were very kind, one by the name of ‘Jun’, who had shamelessly try to flirt with you many a times, being a little too kind. You could remember nearly every detail about the coffee house, but the thing you had trouble remebering was your sister’s dance studio number, causing more than enough awkward encounters with people.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2018 ⏰

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