chapter one

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"last call for flight HX 5439"

that's me
home to philly for the first time in 6 months.
cali was the best experience ever,
i went there for a break from college, but it's june now so i won't have to worry about work till november. extended summer for me baby!!

i bored my boring 5 hour flight and jetted off home.
my parents piss me off so my brother offered to  let me stay at his place with him and his roommate Jake.
from what i've heard Jake and Alex have been friends from campus for the past 6 months while i was gone.

i wonder how much i've missed

"please fasten seatbelts"
here we go


i get off the plane and the air hits me. there's not much of a temperature difference to LA.
i've missed this place.

after going through security i look around for my folks.
my eyes scan the crowd of people and bingo.
there they are.
with a banner.
oh no.

it reads "Welcome Home Baby, We've Missed You Sweetpea" i love my parents but seriously, i'm 19!!

they never know when something is too much.
we exchange hugs and kisses and proceed to the car
"when did you get the new one" i said to my dad
"about a week ago"

i don't like to brag or make everyone aware of it and i hate the r word so all i'm gonna say is we're not short of money. ever. so yeah we're rich. extremely rich. but i hate using that term it makes my insides cringe.

we hop in and talk about my break the whole way home.

i walk in and ask my parents where Alex is. he told me he'd be here when i got home. all of a sudden Alex, Jake and Hannah jump out from behind the island and scream surprise. i don't know who to hug first Hannah or Alex.

something catches my eye


he's absolutely beautiful

i run and hug both of them at the same time and i notice Alex has his hand around Hannah afterwards.

"what's happening here" i ask them
"we shouldve told you" Hannah says

"no, your messing, i've been waiting for so long for you to step up and ask her out you douche" i say to Alex

by this point my parents had left

Alex introduces Jake to me
"Amber - Jake"
"Jake - Amber"

"hey" we both say in unison
he hugs me and says welcome home. i'm confused at this but i'm not complaining.

his muscly embrace and his warm body touches mine for what feels like 5 minutes but is only 30 seconds
i don't want him to stop hugging me
his embrace feels safe and sexy

what is happening

"do you need any help with your bags" Alex asks me
"yeah thanks"

alex and hannah bring my bags upstairs so i can unpack to repack as i'll be living in Alex's.

they left me alone with Jake.

we start talking
just small talk
'where you from'
'how was cali'
things like that

"i'm going upstairs are you coming"
"you know it"

i think he thought i meant that in a sexual way, but i'm glad he responded like that

i unpack and repack some things to last me a few days and i'll come back for more things next week.

we leave for Alex and Jakes house.

Jake rides with me to show me directions.
i love being around him

Amber stop right now
what is happening
oh my god

after what felt like the longest car ride ever we pulled up outside what looked like a frigging mansion!

me and jake haven't stopped talking and laughing since we left my parents house.

the boys house is about an hour away from my parents

i like it here

they help me carry my things up to my new room

jake gives me a house tour
"this is my room" he says while opening the door
he rested his hand on the doorknob but i didn't realise
i also placed my hand on the doorknob
"sorry, i didn't know your hand was there"
"it's okay, i kinda liked it"

shit shit shit shit shit
what is happening oh my god
i can't get invloved with my brothers roommate
or can i

jake stays in his room and i head to the shower
our rooms are right beside each other and the shower is the other side of his room and Alex's room is on the third floor.

i hop into the shower and all i can think about is him. oh shit

i can feel my thighs tensing
i feel the urge to moan but i hold it in
what i can't hold in is the urge to rub myself
i rub in circular motions and tilt my head back in pleasure

am i really pleasing myself to the thought of Jake
yes i am

it gets too tempting and i slowly slide my fingers in
slow at first
imagining him doing it to me
i find myself moaning his name
oh shit what have i just done
he probably heard me
shit shit shit shit
what am i going to do

i continue but fight off the urge to moan his name again
i just went through a very pleasuring orgasm to a really hot guy i met 2 hours ago
what have i gotten myself into

i put my robe on and quickly run from the bathroom to my room, passing jakes room.

he's standing in his doorway
oh no

"babe next time don't be so loud" he says smirking

i can feel myself blushing
i just nod and walk into my room
he slaps my ass through my robe as i walk past

"see you ina few for dinner beautiful" he says to me
i look back and smile at him

i dry and straighten my hair and throw on some pj's. i pick out a sexy pair to be intimidating to him. i pick a hot pink with black lace silk set. consisting of booty shorts and a tight tank top revealing cleavage of my 36D boobs. i'm quite petite so my boobs look a bit big for my body.
i'm about 5"3
i'd say he's about 6"

ugh why am i thinking about him


that's all for now, if you enjoyed let me know and i'll update tomorrow, if it was shit, let me know and i'll delete it
i appreciate it

x x x

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