Namjoon: First Snow

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You weren't expecting this at all. In fact,  you never even thought of it. Until now.

          After waking up to a text from your lover asking for you to put on a winter coat and come outside,  you were deep in confusion until you peeked from the curtains,  seeing something that shocked you to the core.

          To your widened eyes and nearly agape mouth,  there was a white sheet of snow on the ground,  something that hadn't happened at all since the day you moved here. This wasn't grey slush pushed to the side of the road either. This was pure white snow!

          With a gasp of excitement,  you hurry to the closet,  digging all the way in the back for your buried coat,  gloves,  and scarf. You have to hurry up. Namjoon's waiting.

          Swiftly,  you throw everything on,  nearly getting tangled up by clothes strewn on the floor, to running into the wall as you made your way for the front door downstairs. Throwing it open, the sharp cold bites into your still exposed skin,  but it's left ignored as you take in the view before you.

          Like a blizzard,  snowflakes rush towards the thick ground of albino color. Icicles hang from stripped branches of the pale deciduous forest. And standing in the midst of it all,  clutching his phone in a large,  gloved hand,  was Namjoon.

          He turns towards you with an animated grin,  breaking out into a hearty laugh. "That was fast!" He spins on his heel,  spreading his arms wide. "Look at it!" Namjoon turns back around,  walking fast towards you before pulling you close. At once,  his lips seize yours in a breathless manner,  cheeks cupped in between the soft gloves he wears. And as he pulls back,  his own cheeks are the color of carnations, and a goofy smile is on his handsome features. "Your first real snowfall. Exciting, yeah?"

          Unable to reply at first,  you only nod exuberantly, feeling your cheeks heat up fast at such a passionate action.

          Of course,  the sight makes him chuckle while stepping back. And as you attempt to compose yourself, his voice calls again. "Think fast!"

          Looking up, a shower of snow engulfs you, bringing forth a shriek of laughter. "Hey! No fair!"

          There he is,  looking much like a child with a rebellious streak. He's rubbing his hands together, getting rid of excess snow. Then,  a smirk. "Feel free to get me back. If you can catch me,  that is."

          "Oh,  you're on! Come here!" You scoop a large pile of snow into your gloved hands,  looking back to him with excited determination, and he starts to back up further with another laugh.

          The chase begins, involving a round of more shrieking laughter,  and after a long while of play,  you're feeling younger than ever. Releasing a series of pants, you watch Namjoon standing a few feet away. He's closing his eyes now, stretching out his arms as he lets gravity have control. And in a flash,  he hits the snow with a thump,  moving his limbs up and down.

          Snow angels! One of the many things you've always wanted to try,  and you make your way beside him, joining him in the sea of snow.

          By now,  both of your cheeks are redder than roses, and kiddish giggles bubble up from your lips every few seconds. Though, you feel everything slow at a welcoming pace, staring up into the shower of flakes. How amazing it is to experience this. You probably couldn't even recall a moment where you felt so giddy for so long. After all, getting to see your first real snow with the love of your life was something exciting.

          A hand touching your own snaps you from your daydream, and you meet Namjoon's gentle, heartwarming stare. "It's getting colder now. We should probably go in for a bit to warm up. How does hot chocolate sound?" He asks, merely resting inches from you in a leisurely way.

          That sounds lovely,  just as long as you get to come back out later. You want to indulge in this for as long as possible.

          Still, you both rise up,  brushing the snow off of your backsides with help from each other. Hand in hand, you both start for the front door.

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