chapter 11

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Rachael was bothered. She had a sleepless night. She knows he is back. And something tells her he is coming after her.

The following morning Rachael had dark circle's under her eye's. She couldn't  let him see her. He will kill her just like he did to them.

Regina noticed her friend acting strangely since they returned from the ball that so not like Rachael.

" hey are you  alright there." Regina asked her friend who was packing her things now.

" yeah I'm alright. It just that I told Finn I will be home  early to take care of Eva." She replied without looking at her friend. After packing she kissed her friend a good bye as she left in a rush to the mansion.

She fixed her wig and put her spectacle back. She couldn't risk been seen by any one. Before calling a cab.

When she got to the mansion the place was still quite so she crept to her room and locked it. She fell on her bed as memories she tried burying came flooding back.

With difficulties she fell back to sleep only to he awoken by the banging at her door.

She groaned and adjusted her glasses before opening her door. She wasn't prepared for the sight in front if her.

A shirtless Finn was standing in front of her with a tear streaked eye Eva who when she saw Rachael stretched to be taken.

" why is she crying." Rachael asked after adjusting the baby on her hips. Cleaning her face.

" I actually don't know why she is crying, I heard her crying and thrashing in her crib when I saw her I think she had a bad dream." Finn tried explaining.

" My poor baby had a bad dream." Rachael was at the verge of crying as she kissed and whispered sweet things to Eva.

She took a towel and cleaned her sweaty body and changed her diapers, fed her again and laid her on her bed.

Rachael was  at the right of Eva singing lullaby to her and Finn was sitting at the edge of the bed.

Eva stretched her hands towards her father chanting Dada Dada!!

Both Rachael and Finn where surprised cause that was her first word she spoke.

" may be she wants you to sleep beside her." Rachael said scouting to make room for Finn with Eva in between them.

They played and tickled her all around soon she was exhausted and fell asleep with a little pout on her lips.

Rachael and Finn's head collided as they both attempted to kiss her on the fore head.

" sorry, ERM you should go first you are her daddy." Rachael said. But Finn wasn't having that. He instead encouraged Rachael to go first.

After she dropped the kiss on Eva's fore head Finn also did the same thing at the same place his lips lingering a little bit longer than necessary over there.

They both where in comfortable silence looking at each other like they should rip each others clothes but they have to behave for there is a baby in between them.

Soon Rachael followed Eva into a dream less sleep as Finn was looking at them wishing they where a family. He kissed Rachael on the fore head and brushed some hair off her face.

As he used the duvet to cover her exposed body. Her dress has ridden up around her abdomen and he can clearly see her creamy stomach. He covered her and went out of the room.

Long time no update I know. I'm sorry for the  long wait things are about to get interesting don't give up yet. Continue to vote, comment and share

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