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Shivaprasad's new home in Akkayyapalem was decorated really well with nice big muggu in front of the entrance, plantains on either side and mainly, the happy smiling faces of people present there.

Mainly Vedmohan and Harshita one of Parthu's very close friend were there in the entrance welcoming the guests. Prabhav and Prasiddhi were running around the house while Dhitvi very actively kicked her legs and tried crawling around but was caged by her grandparents much to her chagrin.

"Prasad Mavaiyya, give Dhitvi to me. I will take care."

"Vaddu Ved. She is already crying worse. Bhoomi is with Parthavi checking her make up. She will be down any moment."

"No way Mavaiyya. Bhoomi and Shantha vadina will be busy. Give Dhitvi to me. Harshita's kids and she can play, Sai and Sri will take care of them."

"Sai and Sri? Krishnudu came?"

"Avunu mavaiyya, Krish mavaiyya already here."

"Oh boy! Shakthi! Your Maridi is here and we did not receive him. Before he slays us, let us find him. And You Ved and Harshu, be careful with the kids. Leave them and they will make hell out of this place."

"Don't worry."

Ved gave a thumbs up and ran out with Dhitvi who giggled making him wince by pulling his moustache. Harshu came there.

"Ved! Are you serious? Where did you go? Oh Dhitvi baby!"

She said taking her in her arms.

"I went to bring her woman. She also should play right? Where are Arush and Mitra?"

"In Partha's room looking at her getting painted by make up artist."

Both laughed as both knew how Parthu hated this make up.

"Madam, Please! Konchem steady ga undandi. Sit straight!"

"How much more time? Its been eons since you made me sit here Kala!"

"Bhoomi please make sure Mitra baby doesn't touch the foundation. She already has her face painted in it."

"Arush was the one who painted her face Kala. Seeing all this, I think my daughter is an angel."

Kala laughed as she did the final touch up for Parthavi.

"Too early to say now Bhoomi. She is just 11 months old while these two are one and half."


Bhoomi ran to Arush who was having his hands on the lip sticks this time. Bhoomi took them and kept them out of his reach and settled him on her lap.

"Orei.. you are a boy Ra. Why do you want those?"


He pointed to Mitra who was clapping her hands and giggling. Bhoomi hit her head. Parthu laughed.

"He is just 5 minutes elder and look at him doting her already and look at her exploiting him.!"

"Madam. Please.. Kuduruga undandi.. Else headpiece will go cross and we have to do everything again."

"Oh please! I am not going to sit for hours again."

"Parthu. Shh! Don't you want Raghu to swoon seeing you?"

"Why all this for that? I will take him on a drive and he can swoon for his heart's content!"

Bhoomi hit her head. Kala laughed. She knew Parthu for years now as she always accompanied Bhoomi to her parlor. But she never thought doing make up to her could be such a chore. But still she enjoyed it.

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