warm me up.

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Sighing heavily, (y/n) looks ahead. The snow was heavy this night, and despite the extra layer of fur she made from a bear, it was freezing. Her companion was not in any way helpful in that regard.
"I can hear your teeth chattering from here, come here let me warm you up, if to just stop the noise." She rolled her eyes. Bishop was a great fighter to have by her side, but his slightly and very vulgar remarks became a pest. It's not that she hates him or what he said, but they were bloody annoying.
Ignoring his comment, she continued to walk down the road, pulling your her map, she saw the note she made of the nightingale Inn. They must be close! Folding the map and placing it back into her pocket, she narrowed her eyes. Soon...
Her mind wondered back. Her eyes clouded by her thoughts. It was not to long ago, she caught and killed alduin. The dragon that was to bring death, died. By her hand. Bishop was in no way helpful. Not only did he leave her to travel with no words of encouragement, he also drunk himself stupid. If she were being fair to herself, she still held a bitter feeling toward him for that.

After a not much longer walk the tavern was in sight. Her eyes lit up at the idea of warmth. Dragon soul or not she didn't have bloody scales, her skin began to cry out for warmth.
"Ah finally, a drink and a bed. Perfect" she swore he just speaks about whatever he's thinking about. Almost all the time.
Stepping up the stairs and going inside, the two felt a rush of warm air and the smell of sweet mead and food. She grinned and stepped inside, crouching down by the fire.
Bishop on the other hand decided to flirt with a maid.
She wasn't going to lie, watching him do that hurt her. She had fallen in love with the man. He has been there with her through so much. She furrowed her brows and faced away, paying attention to the bartender.
"Can I have two drinks. Just for myself. IM going to need it" he nodded and went to get them, bringing them back and charging her for the order. She sighed heavily, she could hear the chilling and giggling if that bitch and her man behind her. She ignored them, hurt but wanting to say nothing. She started chatting to the bartender.
"So how long you had the place?"
"All my life I lived here, not a bad place..the odd traveller."
"It's nice. I came here not long after I finally best alduin!" Her first bottle was gone and another in its place.
"Oh yes I remember! The great dragonborn, I have to thank you for that, what you did saved many!" She smiled at him. Half way through her second bottle
"Thank you! It's nice to be appreciated for my efforts. It didn't happen often!" He looked at her suprised
"Really! That sounds bloody awful. You worked hard for other!"
"I did! " Third bottle opener and started.
"Slow down lass, don't want to drink yourself dumb do you?" He laughed light heartedly.
"I shouldn't but I want to" she said in a playful tone.
"Oh right? How about a peck on the cheek from ya?" She looked at him.
"Fuck it"  she kissed his cheek. Then the burning started.
Her skull felt like fire had just been thrown onto her head. Turning around she noticed bishop, sat with this wench on his lap staring at her. Feeling cocky in her slightly drunk stuber, she smirked at him, noting the narrow if his eyes and furrow of his own brows, matching the ones she had moments ago. Giggling to herself she turned back to the bartender.
"So does the girl come here often?" He sighed
"Yes. Shamefully. She always sleeps with the customers before they buy. It's quite annoying actually" she nodded in agreement.
"She a bloody bitch" now on her fifth bottle of ale. Taking another drink she looks as the bartender
"Ya know. Your not bad looking for a bartender. Most of them IV seen are awful lookin." Losing her footing as she stands up, the bartender helps her stand
"Maybe you should lay down, don't worry about payment, just go lay down" he laughs at her drinking her sixth bottle. A slightly sickening gleam forms in his eyes as he noticed how her dress was slowly lowering and her shoulders began to show her skin.

Bishop, in all honesty, was sulking. He regrets even looking at the wench now. He pushes her off and moves tables. Watching his princesses every move. His lady clinging onto another man for dear life was something that made his blood boil. He could have killed the man.
He noticed that the bartender had moved her to s doorway, looking like a bedroom. Not liking the look of it, bishop stands, walking over a little closer listening to them
"Common, come to my room, I'll lay you down" sounding innocent to a drunk dragonborn, but to bishop the undertone of desire made him sick.
"No, I want to go back to my bishop" he smirked to himself hearing that. Even drunk she won't let anyone else near her.
"Common, this way" she stumbled over her feet.
"I think IV got it from here bartender." Bishop stated, moving from his spot toward his lady. She looked at him, her eyes holding some kind of anger behind them "we will need a room as well" the bartender nodded slightly threatened by the man's hight and glare.
After being shown to their room, bishop laid (y/n) down. Her body arched in unusual ways.
"It's hurts" she mumbled. Bishop's eyes began to scan her body for any scratches or marks out if the ordinary.
"What does sweetness?" She groaned and pulled at her dress she wore under her armour.
"Get if off" she half moaned. Bishop looked at her, almost unsure what to say
"Are you sure about that ladyship?" She nodded and pulled the dress over he lower half. He gazed at her body. Her scar from alduin. He checked the door was closed before taking ahold of her cloths. Slowly he pulled them up past her waist, and by her chest. Letting his finger embrace the warmth of her flesh.
He finally pulled the dress off leaving his lady in nothing. She was faced away yet he could see her curves. He'd only seen her once before with nothing in and that was at night when she bathed. He took a look at her figure, how perfect it was, and how perfect he'd fit in with hers
"Bishop~" he broke his gaze with her body and looked at her.
"Yes sweetness?" His voice was low
"That bitch... Can I kill her" she drinkly then declared that no one's touches her bishop. he chuckled at her antics and shook his head
"Sure thing then" she cheered a little. She then turned to face him, and sat on his lap.
'she must be real drunk to sit on my lap naked.'
"Bishop, you know, you really warm. IM freezing... Warm me up."
Bishop, however became infatuated with his lady's body. Which was by all accounts on display. Her bare chest rising and sinking with each breath, her hair that fell over her skin. Her eyes half shut giving them a sexy look. He took a deep breath.
"Come on ladyship, lay down, I'll lay with you" she smiled at him and layed down curling up. He himself undressed, leaving on his own undergarments before climbing in next to her. She instantly began to shuffle her body closer to his, and put her arm over his chest. All he could do was stare at her, how cute she looked sleeping, how priceless she was being. Lifting her slightly he placed his arm under her body, and another over her body, pulling her intinhis chest and burying his own head i her hair.
"Bishop, stop poking me." He smirked a little
"Oh that wasn't me that poked you, you caused that ladyship" She laughed
"Right." She got comfterble, then slowly she feel began to fall asleep. " Bishop?"
"Yes sweetness?"
"I think I love you." She said slowly and tiredly before finally falling asleep, her light breath hitting his chest.
" I love you too princesses" he to said slowly before falling alseep himself.


If the inn wasn't loud enough with bards singing,it was certainly away when a girl's scream ran through the walls.
The dragonborn jumped off the bed, covering herself with some fur, leaving bishop almost naked on the bed.
"What the hell bishop!"  He groaned
"This is not how I wanted to wake up this morning ladyship."  She glared at him. He looked at her, standing up and we stalked closer to her until her back reached the wall.
"Bishop what are you-"
He wasted no time planting his lip onto hers, holding her face and her waist. Her eyes were wide but soon even she had melted into him. She kissed back shyly, her lips trembling from the new experience. He stopped to give her a breath.
"Bishop i-"
"Ah sh sh sh... We need to talk..."


Hope ya liked it's only a little thing. Any mistakes please tell me.
Check out skyrim romance. Its not just a romantic mod it's also an amazing quest like with passion in the work. Anyway! I plan to do more skyrim focused work since I love the game. I'll take requests but it may take a while to get to it!

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