Childhood (era of Soul Edge) I

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Only idiots would cast sail and venture his seas. Cervantes de Leon. The boogey man of the oceans. Every rift, wave, breeze, and storm was no longer nature's, but now his. When one looked out to the ocean they were staring into his eyes. For all who opposed him, met their demise. He commanded: power, fear, respect, loyalty, ruthlessness, genius, insanity, cunning, treachery, wrath, greed, rage and pride. It is true no honor among theives. But he held it to the crew who followed his orders.

A tale of a sword that could grant any being ultimate power began to flourish over this land. Its origins no one knows exactly. It seemed it was only natural, it would land in the hands of Cervantes himself. As soon as his hands gripped it. We fell unto a dark era of history. The Dread Pirate was born. Ships would be destroyed, no longer for their goods. Massacres, rape, slaughters, and destruction to towns, and ports. He was now the keeper of the seas. His name was well known before, but now it was a tale to inspire fear among everyone's heart.

Empires, gods, nations, and more began to take notice. Many trained, others set out on the journey confident in their ability. All seeking to obtaining Soul Edge. The sword that offered a solution to any and every problem. Sensing the gathering of strong souls he and it waited as adventurers came one after the other to challenge them. Souls were taken. Lives were lost. A journey of foolishness, and death. To lose it all, just to feed their hunger.

Despite his power, salvation would come. A Roman gods messenger, and a female ninja would reach him. Also followed by a young swordsman. The messenger and ninja would lay down the Dread Pirate, but even they could not stop the swords corruption.

Arriving moments after the battle and explosion, the warrior would reach upon the sword. Gripping its hilt he would transform into something new. Gone was the young swordsman named Siegfried. What stood grasping Soul Edge now was is an armored monsterous knight. A creature that would terrorize the lands, as soon as it cleared from the debri. The seed of evil was formed and slowly began to spread.

Young one, Soul Edge is a weapon that only those who are strong can tame. Good or Evil doesn't matter for the wielder. All that matter is that the wielder is an Edge Master. Cervantes De Leon was close.

The boy listened and waited for the old man, to tell the Dread Pirates rank.

"Silver Master/ Lvl 69/ 280,000. Was his power. Not far away from being able to truly wield the sword.

The Roman god messenger lvl: 31/ Platinum Combatant. 68,000.

The ninja was lvl 36/ Platinum Duelist.83,000.

The young mercenary is lvl 43 now/Silver Warrior. 116,000. It now increases him as the monster he is now. "

The boy stared at the Legendary Edgemaster of the Dragon/ 6,000,000/ lvl 97.

T'Vale was still a kid, not yet touching teen hood. With a rank of Platinum Desciple/ lvl 16/ 28,000. He knew not his journey. But he knew he wanted to be a warrior like no other. Training is life. Learning is life. Quitting and not trying is death. He learned as much as he could from a master, whose wisdom and knowledge seemed limitless.

After all Edge Master had taken a liking to the child. Quick in mind, and feet. The boys potential was something, that would not be wasted. Edge Master did not know the childs origins. But he knew, saw, and felt his soul. Lvl 97 knowledge dropped on a child. Would this seed grow? Or would it die from being cut to early. It was a world of uncertainty.
Edge Master patted the young child on his back. He wanted to see the boy grow. He stared at his pupil, while the boy continued to listen. Popping his neck the old man opened his mouth again.

"Mental lesson over. Physical training now. Show me your mastery of the basics. Remember..."

T'Vale completed the old warriors sentence.

"A weapon should never grant the wielder more power, then the wielder grants the weapon."

Gripping a katana he charged at the old warrior. This time he would land a blow on the old man! This time he would at least touch the weapon of his opponent! This time he would hit more then just air! Every swing the old warrior would dodge, while giving advice.

"Much better... you are faster today then yesterday. Let's see how long you can keep this up Platinum Desciple."

Evening turned to dusk, as the two trained. Edge Master felt it would not be long before T'Vale earned his sword. The sword he had in mind was not his own creation, but from a Weapon Smith named Segato. The swords name was Dreamcast.

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