Equipped Sudden Surprise (III) Iron Mercenary (37)

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Rays of sun light slowly crept through the shutters of the room. Laying belly down he yawned, clutching the pillow. Awakening from a sleep of comfort was new to him. Counting the articles left in his possession, he contemplated. Should he find work here, or should he move on. The view outside the inns window was a magnificent sight to experience. The City of Water was a place any person would love to call home. Shops, markets, people, buildings, and dreams were vast here. He gathered his belongings, and exited the room. Down the stairs, and into the lobby. A good morning greeted him.

Thanking the inn keeper. He turned and walked away from the desk. Unwrapping the payment he gave her. She yelled.

"Wait stop! This is to much. You could sleep here for a week with this amount. This stone is one of a kind. I can't honestly take this. I would feel bad taking it. "

The 15 year old walked back to the desk. Smiling and staring into the inn keepers eyes. He was young, but his eyes carried a glimmer of experience.

"Then I'll like to purchase the room I was staying in completely. Promise I won't be any trouble to your business. "

Without a thought she replied back.

" I see no reason to say no! Here's the key to your new place! Also I am Xandria!"

Taking the key, he smiled and left out the inns door. Stomach growling he rushed to a merchants pub on the street. T'Vale ordered food and drink. While consuming he asked the owner about events, and ones pertaining to pay outs. The owner did not know what to make of the boy. None of the less, he took the boys coin.

"A little young to be asking of adventures of men. Tough guy huh? Well heres the info and map of the Silk ruins. I wouldn't bother though. This is the seventh time. This job had been produced. "

T'Vale grabbed the map, and notes. He felt the owner was scared of this job offer. Edge Master had taught him that if a job kept having to be reproduced...Then it was a job many had taken, but never returned. Finishing his meal, he thanked the owner and rushed into the market for this new journey. After obtaining items for his journey, T'Vale dashed out the the city.

"Stoop!! Hold your horses!!"

T'Vale stopped his sprint as a hooded figure screamed out the order. The figure kept his hand at his waist. Clutching the hilt of his weapon. They were just on the out skirts of town.

"To the ruins huh? You to will die...By my blade. "

Jumping in the air and coming down on T'Vale. The impact from the swords echoed through the stone roads, and watery canals. T'Vale side stepped, as the figure did a somersault kick. He was fast. Landing on his feet, multiple kicks came at T'Vale.

"Your technique!! So you are the target of the Silk Ruins!!"


The man stabbed, and flipped his sword. Sending sparks fly from his opponents weapon. T'Vale was being over whelmed. The man continued his onslaught of thrusting and slashing. The man was growing frustrated. Never had he not connected his attacks before.

T'Vale had yet to strike at him. Every guard and dodge infuriated the hooded man.

"Damn it you are frustrating!! Die boy!! Die!!" Di...Hmmph!?"

Dreamcaster thrusted into his side. Carving the blade through ribs, abs, and navel. T'Vale twisted his blade downward in the man. Tightly gripping the white and orange hilt of his sword. Blood flooded to the ground below, as some spurtted into the air. Lifting the man off the ground with the impaled blade. T'Vale stared into his eyes, as the man struggled. Losing his grip, the man's sword fell to the ground.

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