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           You hesitated as the Taxi began the drive to its destination

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You hesitated as the Taxi began the drive to its destination. The flight to Stockholm had been long and arduous. With three babies and five children all on the same plane, there wasn't a chance to sleep. All you wanted was to arrive at the house and climb into bed with your boyfriend. Although it had only been a few weeks since you saw him, it felt like a lifetime. The idea of meeting his family for the first time wasn't near as daunting as it had been when he first brought it up.

The fire had dwindled down to nothing as the two of you played monopoly. Your guests for the evening long gone or asleep in the guest room. You yawned and leaned away from the board, "Gosh, Bill. Let's go to bed, I'm so sleepy." He nodded in agreement, taking a drink from his beer, "Alright. Just leave the game. We can finish tomorrow, yeah?" Smiling you stood up, "Of course we can." He walked past to make sure the doors were locked, smacking your butt as he did so, "I'll be up in a minute." You yawned again, grabbing the railing and hoisting yourself up the first few steps. "Okay." Quickly you jogged up the rest of them and then stripped down to your underwear once you reached the room. You had just unclasped your bra when he walked in, "Aw, I missed most of the show." Bill snickered a little as you rolled your eyes. He walked up behind you and placed his hands on your hip, pulling you back into his chest. His breath beat down on your ear and neck as he took in the scent of your shampoo. Gently he kissed along your neck until he reached the strap of your bra. Instead of taking it like he usually would he turned you around to face him. He leaned his forehead down against yours. His green eyes staring deeply into yours, "I love you, so much, (Y/N)..." You smiled and rubbed your nose up to his, "I love you too, Bill."

He smirked and let you go, stripping down to his boxers before heading into the bathroom to brush his teeth before bed. You put on your nightgown before doing the same. Afterwards you flopped into the bed and rolled under the covers. He followed shortly, turning off the lights and playfully collapsing on top of you as he pretended to fall asleep. You couldn't help but giggle at his fake snoring, "Bill, get off!" He sighed, "But you are so comfortable, baby. Please, just let me use you as my pillow?" You laughed trying to push him off, "You can use me as a pillow just not while crushing my ribs." He laughed and rolled off, placing his head on your breasts, "This'll work."  You rolled your eyes in the darkness, kissing the top of his head.  He leaned over and turned the lamp on, looking at you, "Babe...I want you to come to Sweden next month and meet my family." Your breath hitched in your throat, "Really? I mean you don't think it's too soon?" He shook his head leaning back against the headboard, "No, we've been dating for five months. I think it's time...and I know they'll love you." He placed his arm around you, pulling you close to his chest, his left hand gripping your chin and tilting your face up to him, "Will you go with me?" You gave him a small smile, "Alright, babe." He gave you a kiss before sliding down into bed and turning off the lamp. He wrapped his arm around your waist, squeezing your breast until a soft moan escaped from your lips, "Good. I already bought your plane ticket."

The sight of the house came into view causing your heart to leap with excitement. The driver got out and helped you carry your bags up to the door. You payed him and he left wishing you a good vacation. You smiled and then turned to knock on the door but before your fist could make contact, it opened to a young man who looked slightly like Bill. He smiled, opening the door wider, "Hi, I'm Valter. You must be (Y/N)." You nodded and walked in, struggling with your luggage. He chuckled and took one of them from you, "Bill is in the living room playing a game. If you want, you can leave your bags here for now." He pointed to a corner where coats and things were strewn about. Again, you smiled at him, "Thanks, Valter." He nodded and waited for you so he could show you the way. Quickly you took your coat off and laid it across your luggage. You pulled your shirt down and fixed your hair subconsciously, as he led the way. Bill noticed you first, immediately getting up and walking over to you. He gave you a hug and kissed you lightly on the lips, "Oh, I've missed you. I'm glad you're finally here!"  You kissed him back, leaving your arm on his waist as he turned around to introduce you to everyone. The rest of the evening was full of funny stories about when he was a kid, beer and games.

Bill was propping himself over your legs playing with the youngest of the kids as the family separated into its own little groups; the excitement of a new guest having died down. Gustaf looked over at you, "So, (Y/N), how long do you plan on staying here in Sweden?" You took a drink before answering, "About two weeks." He nodded and handed the dice over to you, "That's nice. Gives you a chance to see a little bit of Stockholm." You smiled at him, "Yeah, I'm excited." Bill winked up at you, "You should be, I have a lot planned." The game finished with Gustaf winning. He threw his hands in the air, "I'm off to bed." You laughed as he left, Bill stood up and offered you his hand, "I bet you're exhausted. Come on, let's go to bed too." You smiled as he helped you up. The two of you grabbed your bags and then he led the way upstairs and down the right hall. His room was messy, clothes strewn everywhere. He chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck, "Yeah, little time to keep clean when everyone is home."  You shrugged tossing your bag on the ground, "That's okay." He picked you up, twirling the two of you around and down onto his bed. You laughed at the feeling it caused in your stomach. He tilted his head as he stared at you, a small smile tugging at his lips. You smirked at him, "What?"  He shook his head as he leaned towards you and kissed your forehead, "Nothing, just thinking about how amazing you are." You felt yourself blush, "Oh really?" He chuckled as he took his shirt off before laying back down and leaning over you, "That and what I'm about to do to you." He winked before leaning down into your neck, planting soft and passionate kisses causing you to moan, "Oh...Bill..."

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